Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

idk if australia signed the contract for the boxer i would have to check that out

They definitely have produced CRVs for themselves and are currently producing CRV-IIs for themselves and Germany

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boxer block 2 that’s how they name it


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Funny this actually looks good. What sort of gun is it the CTA 40 or a bushmaster?

30mm would give it away

Didn’t even realise that was the 30mm.

Dont even think germany has tried any CTA guns tbh… only nations seems to be Us the UK/France, America with the 45mm, South Korea, China, Japan as they tried both 40 and 50mm and thats all I can think of tbh…

Yea, all those little bits n bobs on the hull and that huge turret masks the ugly headlights & makes it look a bit tacticool

Yea the same 30mm MK 30-2/ABM cannon as the PUMA. The protective shroud and the muzzle brake makes it look more imposing.

Below is the Boxer variant with the LMUK 40 mm CT40 turret mounted

And here’s concept image of a Boxer with the Nexter T40 CTAS turret


I gotta say I prefer the french turret. The LMUK is too assymetrical for me and I think that’s why I like the aussie IFV. Anyway, i’ll take whatever IFV’s I can get.

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M3L Stuart (USSR)



M5A1 Stuart (USSR)


M4A2 Emcha (USSR)


Sherman Firefly VC (Germany)



NOT from the jaguar (well not exactly) , it uses the same turret in a different configuration entirelly , no matter if were talking production or prototype (espacially the production) .


the T-40 CTAS manned and tele-operated version that your showing ARE used on the VBCI-2 tho (the manned version being shown in your pic’s and my first and second pic , the third being the tele-operated version , a anover version entirely)


HECK even the LECLERC T-40 as a turret from the same family (one of the many cool leclerc’s wee never got)

(also sorry the PDF’s are in french , but wee didn’t do english version of said doc’s)


well, yea sorta,
I was using the popular Jaguar config as a reference, for easy recognition.
Yea shouldn’t have mentioned Jaguar

Germany has a 50mm too, from the 90s and was mounted on the marder 2, which was recently taken out of the museum and run for tests

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More of 'well rather than waiting a year or two for the Redback factory setup, how about we use this Rheinmetall factory already setup for the KF-41 and Boxer "

But only with its german Produced ammo, 7,62 cm Pzgr. 39 Rot at 7,6 kg.
Actually, thats a good idea for a suggestion, ill do it when i find the time on the weekend.

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Well if we’re going as far…
To french TT

Oh god that thing…


wish this passed the paper stage and actually came up with a prototype

Isnt it a leclerc turret

French+Slovak project to upgrade old T-72 with GIAT T21 Leclerc turrets + additional Dyna ERA
Was proposed to Poland actually