Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

But it’s better to have different experience, so Object things like 219M and T-72b2 are not really wanted, they just like what’s in game, better but similar. If there are better choice, like 640, and T-84-120, it’s welcomed. Though, adding T-84 now to soviet would make gaijin “war sponsors” XD.

That makes no sense

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I can see his logic what he is meaning

I’d rather a bad precedent not be set, so whatever is better I’m all for it.

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I’m joking, but this will surely bring some problem, so gaijin did said they will not add Ukraine vehicles, to avoid risk.

I don’t know about that because the Ukrainian stat card flag was added not long ago to the files, so they definitely have plans.

Most likely the trophy T90A from the leak

I don’t know why they’d use the Ukrainian flag for that, and it could be one of the ones captured in Syria.

Then i don’t know

It very well could be the one from Ukraine

We will see when it comes

If so it’d be interesting to see how they implement it or if they copy and paste it because the one they brought back to the states didn’t have a thermal imager, at least from the images.

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I’d really love to see fifth gen fighters come to the table. ECM systems instead of just chaff and flares.

True BVR combat, and not just 10km intercepts. Even if this was just for sim battles. Can you imagine an F-35 😎. I know everyone says F-22 but true F-35 combat would be insanely fun.

An environment were balance isn’t a thing. I want to see an area where vehicles abilities match their real life counterparts.

Mixed SIM mode? Big battles would be amazing. Perhaps using somewhat celled environments like planetside for giant sim wars. That’d be so swweeeeetttt.

Giant semi persistent battles for sim with mixed vehicles. Ones we could drop in and out of. It could make naval actually loved for once. Can you imagine calling in naval strikes on tanks? Trying to search and destroy them in jets? 🫠

Some of these are a bit unrealistic but would still be my dream to see happen. Definitely my “wish” list.

…and a J-8B premium!

This is the last possible thing that gaijin will add, let’s just guess that they finally decided to add some ukraine vehicles like T-55AGM or T-84. As the statement was made about 3 years ago, things can change.

Are you sure?
Cus Object 184 is T72B, but Object 187 is the one that I would say was better than T-90A for its time, and for gameplay reasons.

uDDul (2)
If it was accepted in any version (there were many, best onee being with 1250 HP turbine engine and T-80U transmission, or the one having 1200 HP x layout engine with new transmission having 2 reverse gears instead of basic one for most T series except T-80s), they would be called T-72BM in USSR.
They also most of them had T-90A like turret.
FCS was worse but in game matter all it will be is just worse thermals since its only gen 1.
Also few of them had better style UFP.

Object 187 all had better guns that standart T-90 but dart might be weaker than T-90A’s.

There was also Object 186, but I think Object 187 (with turbine engine) would be much better choice.

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Do you know where this statement was made?

No, It should be in old forum, but it’s too hard to find.

I wasnt aware it can intercept top tier rounds? Is it super limited in how it does it?

Either way it’s handicapped by being a Challenger 2, so makes sense, but I don’t think the game is ready for a better 2A7V that can also intercept darts.

It works over 1km, as <1km the round is too fast for the launcher to react. It weakens the round, not destroy it, just like irl. Agains HEAT, ATGM, HE etc. works as usual.

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