Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

uh , well i mean i had this one from 5 years ago when i was a starter , i’m not suprised i was wrong

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hum hum … only 6 shot’s

you aint gonna see that thing in-game any time soon
main reason the HIMAG was puerely for testing multiple technolagies , not seen as an actual proposal


heck any version of the RDF/LT 75 ares…



and the RDF/LT AD-AA have more chances to show up




I would love to see this in game

What shouldve been an event vehicles and not the AGS

E: it also wouldnt be the first time ammo was changed. The japanese Ho-I (is that the first 1.3br mortar?) Has a fake ammo storage box on the engine (so ive been told). I know theres other minor ammo size alternations in game

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Thank you! I was looking for more info on the top, It seems to have been deployed in Cuba under the designation LAV75? With variants LAV75E1, E2, E3?

Seriously need a fact check on that, I found some odd info, but theres not much else easily searchable

I should finally move my big Latin American tech tree ig


i will be honnest , i cannot confirm or deny your information , as this was one of my discoveries from 4,5 years ago this time .

HOWEVER i had never heard the designation LAV-75 before , and i doubt that in all my documentation , i find no proper references of said name

The only document i have that mension’s said name’s is a pdf file about the historie of “The Armoured Gun System Programme” . + a fictionnal vehicle in a game , so i tend to belive the pdf file was made by a amateur , eaver that OR it fictional OR this information is base-locked in my region (wwitch would be suprissing , but not impossible)

UPDATE : yup the pdf file is additionnal lore for said game , so i was right , lav-75 was never a thing

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New top tier SPAA?

Thank you so much lol. That was some mega advanced fan-lore

yep , althought a close proximity one , since it lake’s an air search and track sensor , BUT as acces to 8 ready-rack stingers SAMS + HE-VT on the main gun (with all the standard shells) , so a OTOMATIC on cocaine basacly , that lacks range , but is way more deadly at closer range

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T-64BM Bulat
Can folder or go after the T-64BV in the Soviet research tree.


Given the current climate, I doubt we see any Ukrainian vehicles any time soon sadly.


Beautiful. Does it have the 80 round magazine like one of the other HSTVL variants?

I think it belongs in an independent ukr tech tree, considering the vast amount of sophisticated and good modifications Ukraine can bring, and the unique mix of great western/NATO equipment. Itd be a ludicriously good tree for beginner players

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i do agree

Sadly, despite its addition being one of the most popular suggestions ever

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As I do disagree on an independent implementation, there are captured units Gaijin could add of this vehicle. Though I think just adding Ukrainian vehicles would be a better idea.

Thatd be a terrible idea

Lets add the captured T90M and Pantsir to the US tree


Those aren’t in active use by the U.S. so the comparison is void.