The Pz. II L definitely existed, though still mounted with a 20mm, the 50mm, while being built, was never documented as being tested or used afaik. Then you have the fake one with the Mk 103 30mm cannon. They are very, very clearly the same chassis. Only changes being the slight modifications to the road wheels on all late Pz. II Models like the H and G.
But you’re right, the Panzer 2 Ausf. L was real, just the 5cm version was paper. Still, the 5cm version isn’t in game. And thus it’s not relevant for a discussion of what paper vehicles are in game. And similarly I’m not sure what the point of bringing up a 3cm version is, as that is entirely World of Tanks fiction, not even paper.
The specific designation is Pz. II H, yes, I know that it isn’t a Pz. II L, however, it is the same chassis, and as they planned to mount a 50mm to the Pz. II L, and the chassis is a II L, it should be a default to call it a Pz. II L. Comparing this to something else, say the Tiger II P and Tiger II H, two completely different vehicles, yet they have the same gun, same hull, same powertrain, and are both called a Tiger II. There are two ways to look at it, you can look at it like a panther, the D and A have different “turrets” but the A and G are the same with one minor modification, that being the mantlet chin.
What upside down logic is this? Then the M46 and M47 Patton are the same tank too! Because they also share the aformentioned features… The SU-85 and T-34-85 are also apparently the same tank then! Same chassis, same automotive components, same gun. Obviously the same tank! Might as well use the names interchangeably then…
Just because the Pz Sfl 1c resembled the Panzer 2 Luchs (5cm) in specifications vaguely does not make it a Panzer 2 Luchs (5cm).
And if you actually did believe that logic, then the Panzer 2 Luchs (5cm) was built, as evident by the picture of the Pz Sfl 1c *cough sorry, I meant the picture of the Panzer 2 Luchs (5cm).
No matter how you flip the coin, your original argument is invalid. You’re stuck between a rock and hard place.
My wish is for some decompression for top tier air. I am so damn done facing top tier jets in my not even good FGR Phantom, I should be fighting, F-4’s, Mig-23ML’s, J-7E, Kfir, etcetera and in a max uptier an F-14B, I should never see something as egregious as the F-16C or Mig-29SMT or Mig-29G. The BR brackets should be expanded to 13.0 with the new update aircraft and then shifting the various Mig-29’s and F-16’s upwards to 12.7
Mod on russian forum said that SM3 will PROBABLY be the first USSR TT aircraft to recieve thermals despite there being thermal pods they can carry IRL like most nations top dogs can RN.
Casspir K Car (M40A1) (South Africa): The Casspir MRAP’s can equip either with a M2 Browning or 20mm Hispano Suiza Autocannon as a secondary weapon