Super Cheetah D2, suggestion of mine is still pending for it. It’s like a South African equivelent of the Kfir C.10, as it gets, thanks to Rosboronexport, the Kopyo radar, R-77s, R-73s, R-27s, TV guided bombs, etc…
Also gets SMR-95 engine, which is a modified RD-33 engine.
The Roberts class of monitors consisted of two ships, HMS Roberts, and HMS Abercrombie, being laid down in 1940, and 1941 respectively. As monitors they possessed a very heavy armament, of one dual 15" turret for shore bombardment, 4 dual 4" turrets for AA purposes, as well as two quad 40mm pom-pom mounts and a octuple 40mm pom-pom mount.
i can confirm , in this case this is the “PALADIN” , a modified Roland II system on a heavily modified M109 hull- it had actually already been selected for procurement in the mid-70s as M975 but was canned for a variety of reasons. The production model may have ended up on a Bradley chassis , but were also offered on the Abrams hull .
“Liberity 1 & 2” (modified Shahine/Crotale system- on the original French chassis for testing, though that would’ve changed in production.) is the more well know proposal of the 2 on the abrams hull