Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

Is it a Napalm bomb?

My wishlist:


  • New heli for Sweden (UH-60 black hawk used by Sweden, or Lynx used by Norway).
  • J35XS need the historical correct aim-4 sarh missile, or lower the br wih 0.3

For GE:

  • Add spike weisel (MELLS)
  • Boxer need 0.3 higher BR

For US

  • iranian f14 need 0.3 higher BR in realisztic air battles.

For Russia

  • Bmp2m and 2S38 need to go higher BR, at least 0.3

For all:

  • Add napalm a lot of planes, specially for bombers (cmon, B29 without flame bombs?)
  • Give higher altitude air spawn for naval battles (at leas start all planes over 4000m)
  • Give much more RP for enduring confrontation at naval and some more for air simulator battles.
  • Give much more more ground and air targets for air and naval sims (and more tasks), maybe trains, alternative basepoints, etc.

UH-60 would cause a riot. Lynx iirc wouldn’t fill any gaps for sweden. Though im not too familiar with their weapons for Norway. Also as Norway is prem only it wouldn’t be useful as the MI28 already exists i guess you could replace the MI28 with it to appease the masses.

Kind of a Liquid high explosive , but not napalm since it does not stick and burns it explodes like a normal bomb

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So its basically a gas tank

GIAT Industries proposal for adding Brenus Armor to :


250kg gas tank

Oh ok. There’s a similar exhibit there


M132 armored flamethrower


For UK

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you know what?
for a change they should put scout drone for the SPAA without a gun+radar like the chapparal, strela, type 93.

it would make them more “useful” to teammate and added benefit of better spotting aircraft than the mk.1 eyeball

Some SPAAs are already blind, we can’t also let them be distracted :(

Just give some assault rifles to the crew.

Chaparral can’t hit 95% of the things it sees anyway, so it’ll hardly make a difference lol.

Strela technically has a gun, ive been zooming around the map in the type 93 and found a strela, look gaijin all im asking for is like an assault rifle for my type 93 crew so i can drive by low BR milk trucks and such lmao.

Type 93 drive-by’s when

I think gajin should give Type93 one or two Type 01 LMAT

I mean, if they are first spawn spaa and no heli rush.
They probably have to wait like 3 min for something to come out, it’s a really productive vehicle just waiting for something to come out.

Especially if for the next 7 minute, it miraculously only tank that in the game, without cas.
I know preposterous, but i had a game as first spaa spawn and nothing come out till the game ended…

Oh yeah the rpk thingy, I don’t think it would do any favor for the majority of the opponent vehicle though xD