Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Spanish M60A3E1 "Cristobita’. Upgrade of the M60A3 TTS carried out in the 90s. Armour was only mock-up steel sheets to simulate the composite



Always bugged me the way Spain wasn’t added as Italy’s subtree. Would’ve made more sense gameplay wise and Spain has quite a few domestic mods.


For now Spain does not appear to be for certain countries. Of the few that are in game, most are in Italie, but you also find for some reason the Tiger HAD block 2 (which is only used by Spain) in the French tree under some weird variant with a French desert skin, but Spanish Spikes (which France does not use)

No, France does have the Block 2. I don’t know if they do use Spikes but they do definitely have both the Block 1 and 2.

Luckily, we happen to be playing a game that is also willing to simulate the completed results of projects that were never finished in the real world.

Agree. And even if it was just added as an M60A3 with spaced armour, I’d be happy.

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Probably a new ZBD-03 with APS system

(1) お砂糖wsnbn on X: “うお……11月5日に習近平国家主席が空軍空挺部隊を視察したんですが、その報道のなかで運用装備として新型空挺歩兵戦闘車が公開されてます。 03式の後継として長らく噂はありましたが珠海航展の盛り上がりに紛れてしれっと出てきた。 ハードキル型のアクティブ防護システム(APS)が標準搭載。” / X


What if…

  1. You have weapons but nothing to put them on.

  2. Money is tight and suppliers are limited.

  3. Your country loves fishing


A. Buy a couple of old, large, ocean going stern trawlers
R (14)

B. Paint them grey

C. Add a couple of Styx tubes, a twin 57mm turret, and a handful of 25mms.

D. Reclassify them as Rio Damuji class "frigates’.

…and sit down to enjoy a well earned Cuban Cigar knowing it was a job well done!


New tier 2 prem for USSR.

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I mean, not like this never was done by “big” players, right?

But anyhow, wouldn’t mind to have it just for being this weird (we already have militarized cargoships in French coastal tree IIRC)

The difference between the Rio-damuji class and the majority of other merchant ship conversions over the years is these are operated as first class combat vessels. Most nations have used such ships for convoy escort, offshore patrol, minesweeper etc. As fully fledged warships they are probably unique in modern navies, although likely rather limited in effectiveness beyond patrol duties.

This same APS was also seen on the ZTZ99A

Iraqi (Lion of Babylon)
T-72M1 with a electro optical pod.
I’m hoping this is what the1963-1991 flag leak holds.

other images



It’s an infrared jammer, from China, similar to T-90A’s TShU1-7, but a very early one, name should be JD-3

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Yeah, I think it would be useful at 9.3.

The tank in the first image appears to be on Fort Carson, CO. I’ve seen a lot of tank monuments onbase but the only T-72 to my knowledge is the one at the 4th Infantry Division Museum, I guess the Lion is no longer there for me to photograph.

Yeah, I was at Fort Moore for training and the T-55 Engima was there.

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not quite useful, I think, except for heli, there aren’t many ground missiles at that br, and many are improved so jammer can’t work.
I wonder if they mounted this on older tanks like T-55 or ZTZ-69, this can be very helpful

and probably a ATGM carrier version with CM-501GA, not HJ-10 because HJ-10’s engine nozzle is on side.
First VLS ATGM system in service I think? RIP, NLOS-LS and OBJ.299



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Wheeled “bradley” for US mains