Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

M1134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle

  • The M1134 is an ATGM vehicle based on an 8x8 Stryker featuring a double-hull and armed with an ETS-1 TOW missile launcher. The M1134 is designed to eliminate armored vehicle and fortification threats. It’s primary armament is the TOW-2 missile, with the two most common US TOW missiles (we see in-game), the TOW-2A and TOW-2B. The TOW-2A is a tandem-HEAT missile designed to destroy armored vehicles using a straight-forward approach while the TOW-2B is a top-attack missile with two EFP’s that is designed to destroy existing armor before penetrating the top of the vehicle/turret. This design was specifically focused on countering Russian ERA/Dynamic Protection. It is worth noting however, the 2nd-EFP is not modeled in-game. It has 2x missiles ready-to-fire, and 10x additional missiles that are carried within the hull (a total of 12x).
  • A late vehicle modification could include its Cage Armor as well.
  • A definite need in-game, the vehicle would sit at roughly BR ~9.0.

Thyssen Henschel TH400 6x6 armored personnel carrier with Leopard 1A5 turret. Holland


Self-propelled gun Marder II with a captured Soviet cannon. On December 20, 1941, the Alkett company received an order to install a captured Soviet divisional cannon F-22 mod. 1936 on the chassis of a light German tank PzKpfw ll Ausf D. The F-22 cannon was captured in large quantities by the Wehrmacht in the first weeks of the war against the USSR and modernized by the Germans: in particular, a muzzle brake was introduced. Ammunition production was established for her in Germany. The 76 mm armor-piercing projectile Pzgr 39 left the barrel of this gun at a speed of 740 m/s and penetrated 82 mm armor at a distance of 1000 m.

So this is Marder 2, which we don’t have in the game yet


Its the Pak 36(r)
Its the 2nd Modernized version of the F-22.
With the Fk 36(r) reciving a updated gun mount, both controlls on the left side and the Pak 36(r) beeing drilled out to 714mm casings similar (but not interchangable) to the 718mm casings of the Pak 40.
Also the 7,6kg Pzgr.39 Rot has a velocity of 720m/s.

I always had the impression that this version has a 120mm cannon. That turret is not a Leopard turret, like the other TH400s. Is a TAM turret.

There are documents that say there was a prototype created by TH of a TAM with a 120mm cannon, hence my interest in this photo.

We also have a TH400 with a 76mm cannon, which is a cousin of the Rooikat.

M1A1 AIM & M1A1 SA, the U.S. Army’s Last M1A1’s

An M1A1 AIM during exercises.An M1A1 SA of the National Guard.

  • M1A1 AIM: Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) Program was a program to upgrade the capabilities of the standard M1A1 Abrams. The AIM program, beginning in the late-90’s, focused on extending the life of the M1A1 Abrams by implementing 2nd-Generation Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) w/ Far Target Locate sensors, a tank-infantry phone, communications gear, including FBCB2 and Blue Force Tracking to aid in crew situational awareness. This upgrade package brought the standard M1A1 Abrams into the communication fray by allowing further acquisition and the passing of target information. Not only this, but the new thermal imagers allowed the gunner, and commander improved situational awareness. The M1A1 AIM would become the mainstay of the U.S. Army until the M1A2 would effectively replace it with the introduction of the System Enhancement Packages(SEP) as well as the introduction of the M1A1 SA. It saw action in Iraq from U.S. intervention. The Australian Defense Forces (ADF) were another major user of the M1A1 AIM. This vehicle should be foldered with the M1A1 HC.
  • M1A1 SA: The M1A1 SA (Situational Awareness), also known as the M1A1 AIM v.2, is the latest (and last) variant of the M1A1 Abrams fielded by the United States Army. Introduced in the late-2000’s by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) for the Abrams Tank Upgrade Program (which also introduced the M1A2 SEPv2 and SEPv3 upgrades), was designed to bring older M1A1 models to current “zero-hour” fighting condition. This includes new features such as 3rd-generation depleted uranium armor (the same found on the M1A2 Abrams SEP/SEPv2), retaining the same 2nd-generation FLIR for the Gunner, 2nd-generation thermals for the Commander (from the Thermal Sight Module/Display Control Manager integrated with the SCWS), further enhanced Blue Force Tracking Sensor, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2), new NBC protection system, as well as optional TUSK I armor package (which would allow it to have the ARAT I ERA as a Tier IV modification). Beyond the U.S. Army, modified variants for export of the M1A1 SA are used by multiple nations like Ukraine, Iraq, Morocco, etc. As the latest model of M1A1 (besides the USMC M1A1 FEP), it should be placed just after the M1A1HC.

Thermal Sight Module on the SCWS, for the M1A1 SA.

  • In-game, these Abrams would play very close to the M1A1 AIM (Australian AF) Squadron vehicle but would differ in the following ways:
    • M1A1 SA has SCWS w/ the Thermal Sight Module (TSM) 2nd-generation thermals for the Commander (CITV) which was verified by the M1A1 SA-UKR and access to TUSK ARAT-I ERA while the M1A1 AIM does not (they all can technically use it but having the U.S. Army variant of the M1A1 AIM not having it differentiates it from the others).
    • M1A1 SA has 3rd-generation DU armor (same as M1A2 SEP/SEPv2).
    • M1A1 AIM has 2nd-generation DU armor (same as M1A1 HC) while the M1A1 AIM (ADF) has FMS armor inserts.
    • M1A1 SA can have access to all modern M829-variants while the M1A1 AIM can be locked to the M829A1 or maybe the M829A2 (the M1A1 AIM [ADF] could receive the KE-W A2 round).
  • Estimated BR’s:
    • M1A1 SA: 11.7 (Rank VIII)
    • M1A1 AIM: 11.3 (Rank VII)
  • ADF: Australian Defense Forces
  • SCWS: Stabilized Commander’s Weapon Station
  • TUSK: Tank Urban Survival Kit
  • ARAT: Abrams Reactive Armor Tiles
  • DU: Depleted Uranium
  • SA: Situational Awareness
  • CITV: Commander’s Independent Thermal Viewer
  • AIM: Abrams Integrated Management
  • FLIR: Forward Looking InfraRed
  • SEP: Systems Enhancement Package
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What ever this tank is, I want it.
Appatently soviet tank.

Source: Überschwere Panzerprojekte, Konzepte und Enteürfe der Wehrmacht.


(this is a full sentence)

It really looks like L/44

The cruiser i want the most :p

Here a cool pic about it in case you never saw it:



Iranian MiG-29 with Fakour-90


Strv m/40L rebuilt into a prototype ATGM launcher vehicle.

Shocking that it isnt in game yet, very cool, must have.


ASCOD Pizarro / Ulan (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development)



Mirage F-1E

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M3 lee fl 10 turret

Forget this shit i realized its fake :(


Second picture is a FL-10 turret and a quick google search says the picture is fake.

Lmao I don’t believe those photos 😂

Wish I did tho

Photoshops of these images

This thread is so nice just for seeing cool and barely known vehicles