Cv 9040 FRES, Developed for the British Army Future Rapid Effect System (FRES) Scout Role to replace the CVR(T).
Also comes in green!
Could be a change caused by leak of translated T-90M manuals in TG, although it’s not fully translated yet so we might see more changes.
Both part 1 and 2 of the manual has gotten an english translation, though idk if they mention anything about that
This is not a cool wishlist with pictures and descriptions like some other people have posted here, but the T1E1 90mm and M1A2 SEPv3 are at the top of my personal wishlist.
I really hope Gaijin adds them this year.
Yeah that, I want to see this BMP-3 with 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds or something, etc. Mainly I just want to see a newer variant of BMP-3 in service, even if it’s a late (obr. 2023) variant with smokes moves to the rear and other small changes, with 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.
Maybe just BMP-3M
Which ones? ZT-3 or Baryer, I don’t remember if there were any others.
I would prefer this to Ajax to be honest. CV-90 supremacy.
Cv 90 is nice but i like both Ajax and CV 90 equally
Since the brits didn’t adopt it, it will make for a fine piece of my collection as a rightfully Swedish event / squadron vehicle
From what ive heard British tankers agree with ya.
Is that the one with the horrendous double missile on the roof?
Found a photo of the creature
No, not really, this was done by BAE P&S in the UK, not BAE Hägglunds.
Yeah…I personally just want to see an updated/standard BMP-3 in-game with APFSDS-T to make it more competitive at top ranks like the ZBD04A. BMP-3M would be nice too.
It must be on 10.0 or higher btw
Yeah, a BMP-3 with 3UBR11 with its Sodema would be 9.7-10.0. A BMP-3 with its Karkas ERA/3UBR11/Sodema would be like 10.3-10.7.
Era will not help