Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Cv 9040 FRES, Developed for the British Army Future Rapid Effect System (FRES) Scout Role to replace the CVR(T).
Also comes in green!



Could be a change caused by leak of translated T-90M manuals in TG, although it’s not fully translated yet so we might see more changes.

Both part 1 and 2 of the manual has gotten an english translation, though idk if they mention anything about that

This is not a cool wishlist with pictures and descriptions like some other people have posted here, but the T1E1 90mm and M1A2 SEPv3 are at the top of my personal wishlist.

I really hope Gaijin adds them this year.

Yeah that, I want to see this BMP-3 with 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds or something, etc. Mainly I just want to see a newer variant of BMP-3 in service, even if it’s a late (obr. 2023) variant with smokes moves to the rear and other small changes, with 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.

Maybe just BMP-3M

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Which ones? ZT-3 or Baryer, I don’t remember if there were any others.

I would prefer this to Ajax to be honest. CV-90 supremacy.

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Cv 90 is nice but i like both Ajax and CV 90 equally

Since the brits didn’t adopt it, it will make for a fine piece of my collection as a rightfully Swedish event / squadron vehicle

From what ive heard British tankers agree with ya.



Is that the one with the horrendous double missile on the roof?
Found a photo of the creature

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No, not really, this was done by BAE P&S in the UK, not BAE Hägglunds.

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Yeah…I personally just want to see an updated/standard BMP-3 in-game with APFSDS-T to make it more competitive at top ranks like the ZBD04A. BMP-3M would be nice too.

Also hope for the TAM VCTP, pretty sure someone posted it but here:


It must be on 10.0 or higher btw

Yeah, a BMP-3 with 3UBR11 with its Sodema would be 9.7-10.0. A BMP-3 with its Karkas ERA/3UBR11/Sodema would be like 10.3-10.7.

Era will not help