Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


They don’t need it though? It’s pure copy paste and wouldn’t be filling any gaps. I’m guessing you want the East German T-34-85 and IS-2 as well.


Yes if its a nations arsenal it belongs in the tech three. It fill the gap for early cold war AAA. Not the protype ww2 gear that was long time decomishend and not anym more in use.
It provides better armor for one and better mobility so there is that.

Always funny seeing people argue in a wishlist.


UDES 19XX with the beautiful marder chassis





Marder chassis was bought from west germany alongside a leopard 1 for trials.


Flag_of_the_Japan_Self-Defense_Forces_sv Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - ICV Emblem_of_the_Japan_Ground_Self-Defense_

Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - Infantry Combat Vehicle (CTWV-ICV) for Japan. I’m curious what it’s official designation will be, supposedly 24 are to be purchased. Essentially a 8x8 with 3rd-gen thermals (expected) and a 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster Autocannon. Likely BR for it 9.7 since it essentially plays as a VBCI-2 (MCT30).

Also hope they integrate ATGM’s onto the turret or have a dedicated ATGM variant.

For fun:

Modern Japan Lineup:

  1. Type 10 (or Type 10 w/ hardkill)
  2. Type 90
  3. Type 16
  5. Type 89
  6. Type 96 MPMS
  7. Type 87 SPAAG
  8. Type 81 (C)
  9. AH-64DJP
  10. 1F-15J(M)

If there is any reason (though I can’t think of any, even its two TC-2 ARH missiles for BVR) why the F-CK-1A shouldn’t be an entry-level Rank VIII for the ROCAF branch… then the F-16/79 (could even just use the prototype as the basis model) with Sparrow should fill the spot left by properly-equipped F-16A Block 20 being moved up BR.

Taiwan F-16/79 armed AIM-7F Sparrow ?

I just know F-16/79 prototype from USA limited WVRAAM AIM-9 sidewinder only (AIM-9E & AIM-9J), AGM-65A & B Maverick and Mk 82 500 lb general purpose bomb

F-CK-1A it might be early fighter aircraft 13.0 but worse F-CK-1A MLU & F-CK-1C, Mirage 2000-5EI and F-16A Block 20 MLU 2007

The prototype itself was only modified to accommodate the turbojet and therefore didn’t have BVR- I did bring it up only as a basis. The ROCAF sought the F-16/79 (and the F-5G) with the view of adding BVR capability though (sort of a continuation of their unsuccessful attempt at buying the F-4E). The timing was actually at the tail end of AIM-7F’s production, too; if the sale went through, the US would likely have rather sold that than the newer AIM-7M.

The second quote is an “if” statement. While the F-CK-1A has ARH missiles, those are AIM-120A-equivalent, and the F-CK-1A can carry only two. It otherwise has AIM-9P4 and TC-1 (AIM-9L-equivalent) for AAMs.

What I advocate ultimately for Rank VIII ROCAF branch is:

F-CK-1A (2 x TC-2) → Mirage-2000Ei (4 x MICA EM) → F-16A Block 20 (up to 6 x AIM-120C)

I’d love to see the F-CK-1A MLU (up to 4 x TC-2C), too… I just am not 100% sure where it should be.

F-16/79 only if Gaijin should decide that F-CK-1A shouldn’t be the entry-level Rank VIII.

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PUMA S1 2024*, officially PUMA S1 is already in service with the German army features mostly electrónics upgrade and the Spike ATGM launcher
images (2)


M2 Bradley with early MCT-30 turret
M2 Bradley MCT-30_1

M2 Bradley MCT-30_3


This is BMD base, meaning it’s more of a Sprut then BMP.
However if you want to have ultimate BMP 3 have this.

Although I am just waiting till I get to see 45mm autocannon with telescopic APDSFS.


Russian 45mm CTA cannon - Search Images (

This is the only image we really have of such an autocannon. The only article that talks about it has to be read through the wayback machine, as the only saved instance is from April 13, 2021. The images don’t work too.

Russian 45mm AP with a telescopic shot — Encyclopedia of safety (

Strv S2 or proto strv 103 alongside the Strv S1 mockups.

Strv S2 in 1961 ^

These three ^ are the S1


Thats not an only image.

Do you have more? Because the image I supplied is the only image I can find.

Germany NH 90
German MNH 90

USA Roland system from the national guard

Israeli CH-53 Yas’ur With NIMROD atgm and Demolition Bombs.


Lancer FMP

Both 40mm CTA guns one british one japanese


That CCV has a fire rate of 750rpm with a pen of 180 btw… would legit mulch side armour

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