Experienced Russian MLRS consisting of a block of unguided aircraft missiles S-8 “BKP-B812” mounted on a BMD-1 (1990s)
As a modification to the conventional BMD-1+
Experienced Russian MLRS consisting of a block of unguided aircraft missiles S-8 “BKP-B812” mounted on a BMD-1 (1990s)
As a modification to the conventional BMD-1+
That looks really cool
Holy shit, gimme dat
Some cool wheeled vehicles that I want for France :
VEXTRA POLE (Leclerc canon)
Vextra dragar
ERC Sagaie
SAGAIE 2 (stabilized turret)
AMX 10 RCR with IRCM
AMX 10 RC TML 105 (pls gaijin put the vextra in 10.0/3 with the OFL F2 and add this one in 9.3 instead)
MARS TML 105 (not wheeled but still cool)
Panhard Sphynx
I probably forgot some , but if Gaijin add these we will be good x)
bonus , this cursed thing ;D
Holy shit AML-245 from the future
oh you remind me I forgot to add the AML varients :D
and yes , there is also this one
I wish that when i que up for 9.3 BR match im against other 9.3 BR tanks jets etc
Difference in Ranks 6 and 7 is oil and water and Rank 6 is fighting against Rank 7 every match i lost so many games in row because i cant penetrate rank 7 tanks i lost so many matches with 9.3 jet because R3S cant hit target while im getting killed with Aim9G Terrible gameplay experience and thats why i didnt subscribe again and quit game if things change i will gladly come back
The Tejas would be great (provided they can actually get enough info about it to model it somewhat realistically)
A Mirage 2000 could be fun and it would make a whole lot more sense to get Mirages in the British tree considering Australia, South Africa and India all used some Mirages (IIIs, F1s (and technically the Cheetahs) and 2000s respectively)
I don’t want Britains tech tree to become bloated with so many other nations signature aircraft though, so that would be a big “no” to all the Mirages, MiGs and Sukhois from me
What vehicles are you playing that you are having such a hard time with?
Im Playing T72A Rank 6 BR 9.3 my matches are full with Leopard 2A4 rank 7 BR 10.0 every single game and i cant penetrate them on sides just crit and crit did kill few times i think lets not forget IR Vision etc etc far better tank than T72A in every possible way
Sure, not getting thermal vision when most other tanks get it can feel rough, but thats not a deal breaker.
The T-72A can penetrate the Leopard almost everywhere from most angles, even with HEATFS though. You can even penetrate the turret cheeks if you cannot aim for any weakspot, but that should only be done as a last ditch effort.
Not killing tanks in one hit definitely isn’t unusual with modern tanks, you gotta memorize where each tanks gunner and ammo are located and keep in mind that a lot of them have commander override, so ideally you’d want to hit both the gunner and the commander at the same time (which shouldnt be hard, considering how many tanks with commander override have the commanders right behind the gunner).
Also try to memorize what tanks have blowout panels, as on those you definitely want to prioritize hitting the gunner and/or commander first.
I personally play 9.3 a lot (Britain tho) and Leopards usually are the ones that I am least concerned about, considering that the Abrams, the later T-72s and the T-80s are much better protected than the 2A4s
thing is it can but its not penetrating that is the problem engine part yeah easy no problem but front just pops no penetration or maybe that is some sort of bug yesterday and today i was playing so many matches and that 2a4 was making me tilted full time
Yes, yes, and more yes. ERC 90 Sagaie, VBCI (IRCM), and AMX-10RCR (IRCM) long overdue. EBRC Jaguar might be overkill with its Akeron MP’s at this time but still can’t wait.
VAB 20mm could surely plug an SPAA gap somewhere.
there is defenetly a good amount missing , but this is already enough to show that there is potential for us that is actively being “ignored”
also this is incorrect , this is the VBL with the “Kvartet” turret ( Kornet launchers) . VBL was never equiped with the UTM-800 like the VAB/VCAC , and those turret tend to be miss-identified between each-other.
this on the other end is the actual VBL HOT
also this is TECHNECLY NOT the Leclerc gun , the CN 120-26 , but it’s instead a derivative of it
oh ok thanks for the correction I thought it was the same
i mean , as i said " those turret tend to be miss-identified between each-other" , your by far not the only that did said mistake