Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

French Arquss Scarabee light RECCE
Anti Drone/Anti Helicopter/Armored vehicle.

Armed with 12.7 or 30mm RCWS.

MP tactical missile.

Giraf Radar with IRST


Yes, take it without hulls

germany got a French Amx 13 105 turret on a marder so … seems fair.
Plus germany will get the KF51 Panther around the same time, and all of its KF series support units. Spaa, ifv, 120mm recce vehicle. There is plenty. Let the EMBT series go to France after all the Leclerc variants are added. germany won’t starve.

Heck, the UK tree has a Vickers with a Leopard 2 hull which follows the same principle as the EMBT program.

“(French Weapons, FCS, APS, EWS etc) > (german hull.)”


Honestly its just an bad argument when everyone else is getting kf51s amd leopards as well.
The embt series is just as much german as it is french and should be added to germany as well.
It doesnt matter how much potential geemany has.

Look at US and Russia and how they get new top tier planes nearly every update.
Why shouldnt germany have its right to their tanks when they played as much of a part in them as anyone else

The vickers mk 7 isnt a collaboration project it is an project by the UK alone for an export variant.

In the meantime the embt is a collaboration project for a new generation tank in which germany is even the lead manager

The one with the Leo hull and leclerc turret should go to both nations. Not another fiasco like the DF105

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I agree:
Leclerc evolution!


I’m glad to see a modernised Leclerc hull :D


KF-41 Lynx with Hitfact MK2 turret


this is what I’ve got

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Skyranger 35 turret on a Pz.87 (Leopard 2) hull


It’s a binational project so it should go to both countries. The MGCS is the future for both trees’ ground forces so I don’t understand why its prototypes should only go to one country.
The APS on the 2022 turret is israeli btw.

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I’m starting to see a hull trend with these new tanks

Is Italy buying the EMBT?

No, no one is buying the EMBT. Afaik Italy didn’t join the MGCS either.

30mm coaxial? Sweet! Loved the coaxial 20mm on the older French MBTs, missed it on the Leclerc. Hopefully it’ll not be artificially limited to firing only SAPHEI though.

AW-249 Fenice


Looks like they love their Ariete.

MGCS is led by Franco-German co-op but many nations including Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands etc are there as potentially project observer nations.
Mainly nations who already have Leopard 2 in their inventory and Italy who’s already seeking Leopard 2 license with some localization by Leonardo as an interim MBT between Ariete and Germany’s future MBT (MGCS or Leopard 3).

It is definitely an attractive project for any european nation but as of now, it only consists of France and Germany afaik.
The negotiations between KNDS and Leonardo also failed, so we’ll have to see if Italy will still acquire 2A8s.

Italy is looking at Rheinmetall now … the Panther Evo project has a loophole with the hull, i.e re-using the Bergepanzer 3 Buffalo hull

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