I believe the rearming of Irish Landsverk L-180 armored cars with Hispano-Suiza cannons is relatively well known, but what about this experimental version also armed with RP-3 rocket(s)? Source (Page 6)
The scrapping of this idea because of unsatisfactory tests infers that there was some sort of prototype constructed to assess the feasibility of this proposal.
I haven’t found any other information or photos through a quick search, so this is my hasty reimagining, using the Tank Encyclopedia art of the Dutch L-180 with the 37mm and a Tulip-style RP-3 rocket mount on the turret.
IDEA!! Mechanic to stop new players from buying top tier vehicles to ruin top tier. Easy fix really. If you want to buy a premium vehicle (let’s say the challenger 2 OES), you have to be at one less rank (6) to be able to purchase that vehicle. And you can’t cheat by buying all the way to the top. Because then you’d have to be a certain level to do that. See? Easy fix. Let me know how it could be improved so people don’t get around the wrong way.
M2 half track with 2x triple M8 rocket launcher. Don’t know if there were reload rockets in the hull.
M20 AUC with a 75mm recoilless rifle instead of the .50 cal. This should’ve been the event vehicle instead of the mass-produced M8 LAC.
XM723 MICV, the predecessor of the Bradley. Would be similar to the XM800T but with a larger hull and the option to mount a TOW launcher on top of the turret.
Honestly, It’s a very obscure thing to find any information on. Only thing I know for certain is that it was used as a firing trial and that it apparently did pretty well in that role. It did not test fire the mgm-51 shillelagh because it was not ready at that time and they needed to get started on the firing trials.