Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

For the love of God, add more medium- and long-range AA systems to all top-tier ground trees. I don’t care how creative they have to get, multi-system radar anti-air or otherwise; with longer-range ATG munitions being added almost every update, we need more (multiple trees, not just Russia, lol) SAM systems at top-tier.

IMO the Pantsir was a great addition to the game, the developers mistake was failing to add systems with similar potency to the other nations. Even as an avid CAS enthusiast, I strongly believe that AA must always be the stronger presence on the battlefield, specifically in outranging the weapons systems of aircraft, as it is one of the only ways to keep mixed battles from becoming Air RB.

Just the hatches are open to show off the new fire control systems.


Probably British premium if it even gets added , i don’t really see India coming to warthunder as its “own tech tree” anytime soon since they don’t really got unique vehicles or indigenous designs

A-4M please

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More US 12 gun battleships at 7.0 (this picture is USS California before her whole “rebuild”, but the rebuilt version would probably be better in game.)

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Very interesting list of another french aircraft for france tech tree in the future


USA SPAA please at anytime

And don’t get me started on not top tier planes still to add, advanced Mirage III and Mirage F1 variants, more early jet etc… x)

Oshkosh M1278 JLTV with Cockerill CPWS 2.0 unmanned turret, mounting a 25mm Bushmaster and a twin Javelin launcher.


Nice! For which tech tree did you have this one in mind?

USA, since it’s an American vehicle with an American gun and American misisles.


I guess new content for third major update ~ fourth major update (september ~ october)

  • AIM-9M late number (AIM-9M-8, AIM-9M-9 & AIM-9M-10)
  • Targeting pod with 2+ gen and 3rd gen thermal for NATO aircraft standard
  • Another unique chinese 2nd gen ~ 4th gen IR AAM seeker (PL-2B, PL-5E, PL-5E II, PL-8A, PL-8B & PL-9C)
  • Another AIM-9 sidewinder variants (AIM-9N, AIM-9S & AIM-9P-5)
  • GPS/INS precision-guided munition (PGM)
  • Another targeting pod 70’s ~ early 80’s
  • Another active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile (AIM-120C-3, AIM-120C-4, SD-10, I-Derby, I-Derby ER, TC-2 & TC-2C)
  • Another 1st gen fighter aircraft from USN in rank V ~ VI
  • Another USAF fighter aircraft 9.0 ~ 9.3 with AIM-9B
  • Another 3rd gen fighter aircraft in rank VII ~ VIII

That’s 75mm recoilless rifles.

Here’s the version with 4x 105mm:



GT-MU Fire Support vehicle
Perhaps this vehicle can sit at 6.3 - 6.7


GT-MU Fire Support Vehicle - Tank Encyclopedia


Always room for more recoilless rifles.

That’s a dope PFP, was it from an event or Smthn, or the battle pass?

Battlepass ive grinded out every challenge so and have done my dailies and everything lol, rank 69 rn

Very nice

Thanks, working on gripen skin suggestions at the moment, doing one rn for the Gripen Aggressor

This one?

The Gryffon on the tail is a nice touch imo.

I’d really like if gaijin put more time and effort into adding realistic paints and camos to tanks and planes, and then not locking them behind a paywall, but make it unlockable like the Grey camo for the JA37C