That’s a long snout😂
"Hmm, people seem to think im a dictator…
Surely naming a weapon after myself will set them at ease."
Isu-152 ( or 122 ) with 76mm ZIS-3 cannon
Wiesel 1 TOW with MEXAS armor
Lol, angle Wiesel
Wiesel got tired of being .50 cal’d
blowout pannels and autoloader
This isnt official development, as museum is known for trying to replicate outside look of vehicles.
They could have gone to replicate this as ISU-122-1, however, none was saved to this day so even this would be fake if we talk about if it was saved or not.
Basically museum is known for trying to replicate looks of vehicles with parts that dont entirely match it.
In other words theres no prototype for ISU-125, this right here is simple placement of 2A46 into ISU-122 done by museum. It lacks ejector.
Serial number is 241-50431.
Thermal sleeve is lacking too.
The SP-70 for Italy would be the OTO Palamaria
I saw this as an AbramX listing from Iran over on Wish the other day
is this barrel reused from some T72?
I hope we get high caliber autocannons soon 2x25-57mm or 1x35-85mm
I need it. I need it bad.
Marder 2 will give you it
I mean…
happy sav noises