Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

the KAMAZ-6560 truck mounted version of Koalitsiya: the 2S35-1 Koalitsiya-SV-KSh.
Featuring the same level of automation as the tracked variant. Currently in testing phase.

Comparison of 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV with 2S35-1 without the radars mounted:

Both Msta and Koalitsiya had/has truck mounted variants. None has entered service till now.
The earlier KrAZ-6310 based 2S21 Msta-K:

Not to be confused with the other simpler truck mounted SPH, 2S43 Malva, which is also under trials:

The only truck based SPG that’s actually in Russian service is the MAZ-543 based Naval A-222 Bereg 130mm coastal mobile artillery system.

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We should have more early missiles.

AIM-4 missiles for F89Hs, F101 Voodoos, and early Drakens.
X4 manually guided missiles for me262.
Even early subsonic firebird missiles for the f82 double stang.


AIM-9A for AD-4

There’s a version of the F3D, the F3D-2M, that could carry 4 of these (At least that’s what I’m assuming they were, it was a very early version of the AIM-7).

I’m refering to the AIM-9 Prototype, which was mounted on the AD-4

I would love to see XAIM-4H and AAM-2 be options for lower end mid cold war aircraft. These more or less solved the glaring issues with the original AIM-4 debuted with. AIM-4D would be functional, but still fairly limited.

XAIM-4H would solve the majority of glaring issues aircraft like the F-106 would have in a mid cold war BR with somewhat advanced missiles to compare with (AIM-9G and J, R-60 and Magic I). AAM-2 is probably comparable to R-60M in terms of capabilities.

Iraqi T-72M1 (Asad Bābil) (USSR) (Event)
This version would be a bit more unique, it comes fitted with a electro optical soft kill APS.


Oh okay.
Are these not aim-7 prototypes?

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AIM-7A / Sparrow I / AAM-N-2

AIM-7A/Sparrow I would be an interesting addition, being in the same niche as the Fireflash missiles on Supermarine Swift F.7. Superior missile kinematics in exchange for a vastly inferior airframe.


First one is a French spaa (hope to see them coming, one with radar one without), second one is also based on Amx-13 :p


First ifv TT vehicle for france will be lucky if its added in the next 2 years. Im calling it the Jaguar will be a event vehicle (pls no gaijin)

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That’s not an IFV, it’s an SPAA.

Amx 30DCA turret on Amx13 hull.

(once again, lot of SPAA could be added but all Gaijin is doing is up the BR of our SPAA :( )

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I was just mentioning it on the topic of british/Frinch ifvs being mentioned

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Oh ok, my bad, since you answered to my post i throught you were talking about this vehicle ^^

Yeah… High/top tier France ground is in a rude shape.

Also yeah they better not add the EBRC Jaguar as event or other shitty choice since it’s a service vehicle and the today “light tank” of the French army.


If its light the patria for finland or the class 3p for germany itll be event

class 3p was a proto afaik, so not the same thing.

Heydar-7 if future iran tree will be added



I see they completely ignored soviets seeing how bad effect or ERA on such thin armour can be.


You are gonna die anyways so why not die with some false hope of surviving