Pls no, id rather having actual spaa that can handle the aircraft at its br rather than another td disguised as an spaa
yea that is what I’m thinking, additionally it gives gaijin a excuse to not add more SPAA since the (insert Swedish SPAA) Would be soo good.
Ill say it again swedens spaa only exist from 2.3 amd then dont exist until hit 8.7, then stop existing until you hit 10.3, everything else is a TD
The Lvkv 40 is a barely adequate SPAA, not outstanding but good. But the rest i agree with you
At least you know how to have a conversation, god i was about to go crazy in the next major update forum lol.
No, I respect others opinions as long as they aren’t just throwing false claims out of their asses. Like how the Ikv 103 is OP or for that fact. That every other Swedish tank is OP. We just focused on Firepower and mobility. if you argue the following tanks are OP its mostly Gaijin´s fault for implementing their gameplay that certain way like the following:
(Any 37mm Sabot tank): um, have you heard of spall ricochet effect in War thunder? No? yea thought so. You are being defeated by experienced players with knowledge of its opponents. No armour,
Strv 42 DT: Actually pretty balanced, its cannon is only saved by the autoloader, and again it trades armour for Firepower. Mobility is comparable with Russian tanks.
Pvkv II: Seriously? anyhow, trades mobility AND Protection for a Great gun. Pretty much impossible to fire on the move. Just requires a certain playstyle that when practised seems unfair.
Ikv 103: A really nice Light Casemate TD with good mobility and Firepower. That only really performs well in a defensive roll where all Swedish tanks shine.
Ikv 91: Nah, i cant argue with that Its a really good Light tank!
Strv 103: I’m sorry, do you understand that killing its engine effectively means its dead. It was made to protect its crew to the greatest of its ability.
Since here in Sweden we have a lot of forests and untouched nature. Additionally the smaller bridges. We cant have heavy tanks since they would have a hard time moving through our land.
So to summarise Sweden trades most of its armour for Firepower, then during the cold war we started prioritising armour and protection of its crew
I want to see the M1296 Dragoon but what’s the difference between that and the new XM1304 other than the turret? Is it just to separate the two even though they have the same mission? The M1296 utilizes the Kongsberg MCT-30 while the XM1304 has the Samson Pro 30mm Unmanned Turret. I did see that the XM1304 will be equipped with the CROWS-J, giving the U.S. tree another chance to get Javelin ATGM’s on a vehicle in-game.
M1296 ICVD
XM1304 ICV
Time for some of my wishlisting, but this time on the more… uncommon/less likely side :D
(Lot of this is just two-seat trainers, copy-paste, or general weird things lol)
Vought F-8H Crusader
Vought TF-8A Crusader
McDonnell Douglas OA-4M Skyhawk II
Northrop F-5E Tiger II (Mexican Air Force specifically)
McDonnell F-101A/C Voodoo
McDonnell Douglas F-4E-58-MC Phantom II (late, with AIM-7F, AIM-9L, AGM-65D, Pave Spike w/LGB)
This should be the one with 9Ls right?
(Bc gaijin won’t give the F-8E the 9Gs it’s deserves this might be a fun crusader for me. Also heard the wing snapping F-8 can carry the 9C, would be cool to move them both up if they get those armaments and add a row of options for whatever playstyle someone’s feeling.)
Also F-101 and F-4E late? Hell yeah
Don’t forget to curse the MoD for deeming it “too risky” (somehow) and “too expensive” to retrofit the retired Sea Harriers’ Blue Vixen radars onto the GR.9A to create the true ultimate Harrier.
Q-5M, upgraded with AMX‘s avionics.
What is this thing? I want to know more.
Originally the YF-93A was designated the F-86C, it was pretty much a larger F-86 that had more fuel, 120~ were ordered but it was canceled
F-8H would only get AIM-9Hs tops, so still rear-aspect only. However, it would get THE most powerful engine out of all the Crusaders, and unlike the F-8J, it would be much lighter
Its the prop F-86! I saw that recently at the Air Force museum out in dayton.
Nvm I am
Quite the idiot