It’s also possible they could expand the features of the game and explore new territories with it.
But your point still stands: there will come a day when Gaijin will have to look into partially built tracked&wheeled vehicles.
The 28pdr was installed as it’s the gun on it at the tank museum. I’m not even sure they were gonna add a 17pdr?
The confusion is, that its a 17 pdr breech. But that is normal because the 28 pdr IS a “bored out” 17 pdr, it uses the same beech, just a bigger shel.
It’s why it was said to have a 17pdr all this time, who would bother measuring the bore… but it must have looked kinda out of proportion tho, can’t imagine the guy who notcied and just thought he would go grab a tape measure.
What’s the name of this helicopter? Z-21?
No official name, Z-21 is just a guess.
It’s still classfied, this video is something can’t avoid, as you can’t hide something flying. Little possiblity that we will get some information in November Zhuhai Aviation show.
P-38L-1 (USSR)
“P-38L1-LO “Blackie” from the 94th FS 1st FG. Participated in the cover of shuttle raids B-17 and B-24 in the USSR and after landing in Pyriatyn on July 22, 1944 was abandoned due to damage. In 1945, engineers of 173 AP 56 IAD were restored and used for training flights. After the end of the war, it was transferred to the Air Force Research Institute, where flight tests were conducted in early 1947. V.A. Khomyakov was appointed the leading pilot, P.M. Stefanovsky and Yu.A. Antipov also flew on the plane. Then Lightning ended up in MAI, where he was in a relatively general form until 1973, at the moment there is a small part of the wing.”
where is my replenish-able fire extinguisher gaijin? (as in, stand on the cap to replenish it like ammo)
Yak 36 - The russian VTOL experiment
Good as an event vehicle tho
It was created to sniff out enemies
Night Attack?
The British one
Well for ground attack
Main meaning of the harrier, radar and AIM-120s will only uptier it without many profit.
Yeah still nice though i love all the harriers
I’m not sure that this image it’s AV-8B Night Attack or AV-8B+ for USMC but assumed equipped AN/AAQ-28(V)4 Litening AT
I’m quite sure Harrier GR.9A great attack aircraft toptier for great britain in the future
Its a GR9 in the photo but i hope for the version with a better engine GR9A