South African Paramount Group
Looks like UK can finally get a cancer vehicle. This could be more effective than the 2S38
Knowing russian mains they’d want it even tho they already have the damn 2S38
We have already discussed this issue with the Ru community. The 2C38 turret has not left the borders of Kazakhstan. And who owns the vehicles of Kazakhstan?))
Soviet Union TT
Forgive me, British enjoyers. I fought to the last, but bias player proved that this vehicle would belong to them.
Since things like S-13DF was removed for being too powerful, how about add some AP rocket for game. France already has some. The data is from KALASHNIKOV offical website, and game data. I use the end mass of similar rocket without fuel as the weight of AP shell. So the pen data is for reference only.
S-8BM with 75mm pen, 0.6kg explosive
S-13B with 152mm pen, 5.6kg explosive
Good AP rocket can be a nice addition to the game.
asuming this is suposed to be a AA , could have takken a smaller hull
Could have chosen the Laird Centaur 65FL73 Oerlikon GAM-BO 20 mm instead (even if it wouldn’t have been radar guided)
What a name, “Terrahawk Paladin”
A little problem, this is not simply a “Self-propelled” Anti-aircraft Weapon. The truck is used to move the weapon system, not sure if it can work on moving trucks.
Because the truck is not a part, it’s designed to work independently
wasn’t sure about it thx for clarifing it
Well, Paladin got passed on the russian forum, so maybe?
LMUR 305
F&F, 25kg warhead, 14.6km range and a maximum speed of 230m/s. The LMUR would be a great addition for the Mi-28NM (4, 2 on each external pylon). I’m tired of the Kamovs supremacy, these missiles would give people a actual reason to grind the Mi-28s.
Many sources mention that the weapon meets NATO standards and should be able to fire from a vehicle. And it has not very big recoil.
Here in Germany, a cannon was put on the same truck, but it canon more powerful and faster-firing
Now if only AHEAD actually worked in game
The problem is, I think, how to control the cannon. It seems a long wire is attached to maybe a control station, which is surely not part of the truck. unless it has a small controller like a smart phone, otherwise, it can’t fire on the truck.
As far as I know, there is a possibility of shooting through a computer. Maybe even without a wire
Still need a computer which is not on the truck, that’s the problem
We don’t have computers modeled inside any tank, so it won’t be matter in the game))))