Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Because Germany is currently really lagging behind in the area of ​​air defense in the high tier, I wanted to suggest a vehicle that could fill this gap and might even be an interesting vehicle.

↪ Iris-T SLS ↩

  • range: 25 km

gaijin is welcome to reduce the range to 20 km.


Object 760

A real life Hovertank tested by the Soviet Union.

Video Timestamp 23:35

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I expect gaijin consider new Air EC map 160 x 160 km for Air realistic battle & Air simulator battle because now 128 x 128 km it’s not enough for aircraft 11.0-12.3

I guess Iris-T SLS could be 12.0 or 12.3 at rank 8

I guess gaijin consider Su-34 basic Q3 2025 or Q3 2026

But Ethiopian Su-25TK add to great britain or Russia ?

The SU-25TK is the export variant of the SU-25T made for Ethiopia, I doubt it would ever go to Soviets so probably Britain. If it does go to the Soviets it would be a literal copy and paste of the normal SU-25T.

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UK has literally no connection to it.

If its identical to the USSR one, then there’s probably no reason to add it outside of a camo. There’s especially no reason to shoehorn it into a tree it has nothing to do with.


since when has that stopped anyone?


Hunter F.58 (Germany) - War Thunder Wiki

Most people agree that shouldn’t have gone to Germany.

We don’t need even more misplaced vehicles.

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Ethiopia was once under British occupation like South Africa.

Is the UK currently occupying Ethiopia?

UK occupying the country for a while is a terrible reason to get their vehicles ingame.

They also occupied Germany for a while, shouldn’t get Leopards either.

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I mean the only reason the South African vehicles are in the British Tech Tree was because they were former colonies. Another stupid thing is the Class 3 (P) and Swiss Hunter F.58 in the German Tech Tree but that isn’t a issue is it?

If Germany gets this treatment so should the United Kingdom or should we just neglect it as a nation.

Domestic South African vehicles are in the UK tree. They’re close historical allies, and there’s no other tree that they could go to, that would really be a closer fit than the UK.

The Class 3(P) is a German built vehicle for a South African contract. Contract went nowhere, but still German designed and built.

Swiss Hunter shouldn’t have gone to Germany, but its too late now.

The Su-25TK is not a domestic Ethiopian plane. Its closest connection is to Russia, who designed, built and sold it to Ethiopia.

Its mostly the same to the Su-25T, so can be added as a marketplace skin.

If you want something for UK, ask for something that has an actual connection to them.


Many other countries were under british rule but that doesnt mean that their vehicles should go to british techtree.


The Class 3(P) is a German built vehicle for a South African contract

Can I remind you that it’s South African nonetheless and arguing it doesn’t deserve a place in the British Tech Tree is very silly. It’s like not introducing the Eurofighter Typhoon to Germany since originally it was a British technology demonstrator.

Many other countries were under british rule but that doesnt mean that their vehicles should go to british techtree.

Sweden has a literal Mi-28A (which they’ve never operated) inside their Tech Tree, instead of focusing on the issue on hand zoom out and view the issue as a whole.

The Su-25TK is not a domestic Ethiopian plane. Its closest connection is to Russia, who designed, built and sold it to Ethiopia.

The British designed the Hawker Hunter and it’s connection is closest to Britain yet it’s inside the German Tech Tree, don’t make me laugh man. 😂

easy fix here for russian helicopter, give the US the one we stole and give GB the ones theyve westerized for some former soviet countries

Its about as South African as the French Leclerc mbt.

Both foreign vehicles, briefly looked at by South Africa, but decided against purchasing.

Neither South African.

The Typhoon is actually used by Germany as well, so no, its nothing like that.

And they shouldn’t, but again, too late.

And again, they shouldn’t, but its too late.


The Typhoon is actually used by Germany as well, so no, its nothing like that.

But originally the design was British, I can say this for many vehicles in-game.

And they shouldn’t, but again, too late.

You have such a issue with my Wishlist then why prevent such vehicles getting added as a whole? Go make a topic about these vehicles or is it because I mentioned Britain?

And again, they shouldn’t, but its too late.

Gaijin can move vehicles whenever they want, remember when they moved the Swedish Centurion in the British Tech Tree? I guess it’s only Britain which gets this poor treatment alongside Italy and Japan.

And its used by Germany.

Is the Su-25TK used by the United Kingdom?

Its the same level of ridiculousness as asking for an F-14 in the USSR or UK tree because Iran had them.

There’s no good reason for UK to get other countries vehicles, they had no connection to.

They can. You could ask them to, but if they haven’t done it already, its probably not going to change.

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And its used by Germany. Is the Su-25TK used by the United Kingdom?

Previously you were basically saying “the Class 3 (P) was constructed by German engineers” which is correct yes, but the same can be said about both Swedish Mi-28A and Swedish T-80U vehicles. They are trailed vehicles like the Class 3 (P) but are in their respective nations unlike the Class 3 (P).

Lets discuss about the Swiss Hawker Hunter, it was added to the German Tech Tree simply because of the connection between Switzerland and Germany (which we all know). The connection between both Ethiopia and Britain is also as strong or stronger, both South Africa and Ethiopia were previously once under British rule and both still maintain strong relations with the United Kingdom.

It’s either all vehicle recommendations like the Ethiopian SU-25TK get rejected and other vehicles in-game get moved to their home nations (like Switzerland’s Hawker Hunter going to Britain) or you allow these type of recommendations to be heard, there can’t be one or the other.

Its the same level of ridiculousness as asking for an F-14 in the USSR or UK tree because Iran had them.

The Soviet Union doesn’t need any foreign vehicles in-game unlike the British Tech Tree, the Soviets have plenty of vehicles that suit the War Thunder meta and there are little to zero times they’ve ever been underperforming but mostly overperforming.

They can. You could ask them to, but if they haven’t done it already, its probably not going to change.

Doesn’t mean I can’t use this in arguments, it’s stupid how Gaijin implements vehicles like the Swiss Hunter.

Gripen for Britain.

Na SU-57 for Britain more like!