It’s so funny because the Black Eagle even with it’s unknown-ish ERA and technical details is
- So much more realistic than the Obj. 195 - whatever the fck that is with 1000mm of pen, a T-14 design contest prototype (that was passed to Devs)
- So much cooler than the Obj 195
- So much more fitting as a realistic tank - moved, shot, had innovative systems… don’t want a T-14 in warthunder
It will be appear in any case
The B-1R, can’t wait for it to be finished, lol. Can’t wait for the B-1 to come to the game and replace the FA-111 already.
F/A-18C (Finland)
As we know AMRAAM’s are being added next major update, can’t wait to see this baby with 4 of them.
I think the Finns use the dual racks too, so that could mean at least 6 total plus 2 sidewinders.
Since gaijin refuses to model anything British correctly, and the challenger 3 td being extremely underwhelming I propose the Canadian Leopard 2a6m. fitted with an L55 smooth bore cannon and mine protection belly armour. This would give Britain another 11.7 with the DM53 and would have much more mobility than the challenger 3, I’d love to see this under the vickers MK.7 in the British tree, as they most certainly need more diversity at top tier.
Probably would be 2nd in a fight with the Gripen in my opinion. Just because of a few things, G-limiter of 7.5 G’s (unless they give us an unlocked limiter) while the gripen ac pull major G’s, with no issue whatsoever, and has AMRAAM’s, both are multirole, but I’d say for strike equipment, the F/A-18 is going to win. As I don’t play America, I still hope it gets the F-18 before we do, because it’s only right that they do, or give us them at the same time, unlike they did with the Gripen, giving the C to Britian, although, when the E comes to the game it will probably be a Sweden only aircraft. (Unless Brazil gets added to the game)
I think the Gripen will fight better too but the F-18 has ridiculous AOA and a lower sweep (meaning better subsonic turn) so it would still be able to handle itself.
At least they upgraded the A to a late model. Also we still had a SA TT so its not like it goes against any rules and in-game they’re effectively the same (now, originally they weren’t which was just unfair).
As do I, nobody affiliated with any other nation uses it. The UK wouldn’t need it either (through BAE being a co-developer) as by that point we would have the Eurofighter.
Danish tree for Sweden as well?
If yes, then the Danes can bring lots of upgraded stuff to Sweden.
Along with Leopard 2A7DK, there are:
M41 DK-1
Leopard 1A5-DK
Skyranger 30
CV 9035DK
and below is what more Norway can bring to Sweden :P
M41 DK is a really cool tank IMO.
Out of all possible additions to Sweden that’s the one I’m most excited for, along with NM116 of course.
Another fighter aircraft 11.3 ~ 13.0 at PLAAF/PLANAF line in rank 7 ~ rank 8
- Shenyang J-8D
- Shenyang J-8H
- Chengdu J-7G
- Chengdu J-7H
- Chengdu J-10A
- Chengdu FC-1
- Shenyang J-11A MLU
- Sukhoi Su-30 MKK
- Shenyang J-11B
- Shenyang J-11BH
- Chengdu J-10B
It’s gonna be funny playing in like 2 years when the best production tanks are below the 130 - 152mm class MBT prototypes in BR just cause of how simulating tanks as perfect manufacturing impacts performance.
F-18Cs with AMRAAMs carry up to 10 of them, so likely far later after AARH introduction. Will be interesting when it’s here.
F-18 G-limit is 10.4Gs BTW. It’s only 7.5 with paddle in standard position.
I hate the fact that we don’t ever have realistic / “normal” vehicle lineup battles unless you go simulator, and we won’t ever have them again when AbramhamsX and T-14 get shoved into Sim battles as well
Abrams. It’s Abrams.
I exclusively see realistic vehicle lineups in every battle.
There are no unrealistic vehicles in War Thunder really.
Even Panther 2 was technically possible, not in WW2, but certainly after.
That’s an opinion. We can also shorten Richard to Dick but we don’t. It’s Abrahams!
Abraham Lincoln X
That’s bullshit.
The Abrams is named after the US general Creighton Abrams, not Creighton Abrahams.
Get your facts straight before acting up.
Official US designations are no opinion either.
He’s joking I think