The bundeswehr has adopted the puma over the marder which are currently replaced. That’s why they gave marder away to ukraine and to greece (so they can send their old east german bmps)
The Bundeswehr haven’t adopted the KF-41 but there is still annoyance over Italy having a Hungarian one.
Hardly an argument since we have prototypes in game which were never adopted either
It failed testing, and they haven’t been able to field it, and the Marder is still in use in conj. To the Marder.
What? The bundeswehr has 350 pumas in service + 50 ordered (which was halted due to some issues but is now resumed)
The Kf31 was only offered and the kf41 was only trailed. If we go after these criteria now that most nations can get everything. Britain can get the redback though, but trail and offered vehicles from a country which isn’t even a subtree is far fetched
I’d say 262 Marder vehicles in service, 20 given to Ukraine, and around 350 to start out with, and around 30 upgraded to 1a5’s. 350 PUMA vehicles delivered and ordering stopped due to being unreliable. Idk where the PUMA came from in this argument, I simply stated we could see more Marder variants to hold down what’s going on with the “Germany should get the Lynx even though they don’t use it, or prospect buying them because the PUMA just enetered service and they’ve spent around 1.1 billion euros on 50 of them, and 350 vehicles from before.” I don’t really care, specifically because someone said some vehicles are in a tree even though they don’t use it, which I think if it was never actually used or not historical, in my eyes, every tree should be like that, no exceptions, not even for my favorite tree.
There’s already a topic/discussion regarding Germany getting Lynx:
IMHO, Germany should be given the Marder 2 IFV first before the Lynx.
(Lynx will come to Germany, eventually … kinda sure of it :P )
And UK can gain the Redback and maybe the Lynx as well via the Aussie commonwealth connection.
as well as Abhay IFV via the Indian commonwealth connection.
But please give UK the BAE CV90 FRES-SV before the Ajax.
That’s wrong the 50 additional ordered were stopped but are now resumed. You claimed that the puma isn’t even adopted but there are 350 in service or should I talk to my friend in the bundeswehr that these 350 aren’t real?
It’s even planned to buy an additional 179 pumas without the purchase being made yet
Yeah, considering the Ajax is technically speaking a total failure, yeah, it should get it. Eventually, and the CV 90 before.
Yeah, I know that, I didn’t mean to say not in service, but specifically, production stopped, and then started again because of failure in testing. Originally plans to buy 410, lowered to 350, stopped for a while, ordered 50 more. I haven’t heard of a third batch being purchased. It hasn’t been fielded to an actual combat mission yet.
than sorry. I understood it like you were saying that the puma isn’t in service
The ERA inside those bricks is spaced out and placed diagonally. Hence the bricks being big.
*was a total failure … now they’ve mostly fixed the issues
The British Army began training soldiers on the received 44 Ajax with Capability Drop 1 vehicles.
Ajax SV and Ares APC already participated in the IRON TITAN exercise (the largest land exercise of the British Army in the last 20 years).
Also, Ajax IFV concept also exists for future induction.
It’s based on the lengthened Ares APC chassis with an extra road wheels and features the GD30 manned turret developed by General Dynamics.
I’ve always though the AJAX was a goofy IFV anyway it’s “visual” aspects look so un-orthodox, but I like things like the Strv 103’s.
Yeah the CV-90 FRES the UK should definitely get, its a UK modification by a UK owned company with a UK/France gun for a UK competition. And hopefully before Ajax because Ajax is comparatively useless in-game.
Yea, sadly no, as there is a new date of IOC, and it is second half of 2025, as it got moved for fixing, again…
Stabilized 40mm Brrt brrt on existing chassis
AMX 10 TTB 140 ( LRF, CITV, TV track, APFSDS, HE-VT, stabilizer)
VAB CTA 40 RWS ( LRF, APFSDS, HE-VT, stabilizer)
If I’m correct, 2S15 has a autoloader, can fire at a very fast speed(about 4s?). Not sure whether the origin one is better or this one.