Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

That doesn’t make it spam though?

I started off as a German main myself, so I don’t see the harm in light hearted jokes like this.

Its still not part of the Wishlist.

Calm down everyone.


Carden Lloyd armored vehicle used to capture Hainan Island. Cardenroyd armored vehicles were only purchased by the Army for research purposes, but the Navy has deployed them to the ground forces and used them in actual combat.



Commemorative photo taken at the Army Infantry School. The Type 89 medium tank is an early model of the A type. Photographed in 1933.



A photo of a special Type 2 internal fire boat that is believed to have been taken on the American mainland. There is a photo of a special Type 2 internal fire boat sent to the United States being used in a parade in Washington, D.C., and it is probably the same vehicle. The vehicle seems to be in very good condition, but I wonder where it was captured. (From eBay) A special Type 2 internal fire boat captured by the Soviet army on Shunshu Island. The vehicle number is written in small letters on the turret. It is said that the special Type 2 internal fire boats on Shimshū Island were painted green. Kubinka has a special Type 2 internal fireboat brought from Shunshu Island, but it has been repainted at the museum. This photo is the original painting.



Add every single one to Sweden.

I want to bury my enemies in CV-90s


at this point just rename it to the cv90 tree


Czech MiG-23ML event vehicle.

(Also used Magic 2)


11.7 event plane it would be great

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USA ground attackers for upper battle ratings

A4m skyhawk - An upgraded version of the SKyhawk used by the Marine core. Updated avionics, missiles and weapons. (The model for this one was already in the files at one point but it never came out, maybe was used for the israeli skyhawks since they are similar looking)


Old model in the files

AV-8B harrier (US Techtree Version) - A more modern harrier if you will, with acces to modern weapons. A version of this one is already in the italian tech tree, but there isnt one for the USA. This aircraft could really help fill the ground attacker gap at 11.0 - 11.7 BR.

image Italian harrier in game

A6 Intruder (tech tree version) - The A6 intruder came as a primium a while ago, however we are still yet to get a version for the standard tech tree, something that would be very nice to have.

A6E TRAM (premium only)

A10c - Thunderbolt II - In general an upgraded A10 that rivals the su-25T and su-39 at 11.0. This A10 would be really similar to the one available in the tech tree, but it would be able to be equipped with more updated sidewinders (aim9m and forward) as well as the ability to carry more modern guided bombs (gbu 10/gbu 12).


F111 Aadvark (newer variant) - The aadvark is relativly new in war thunder, however only the F-111a variant was realesed (first variant). F-111 was built to be a bomber, however that doesnt mean it couldnt fullfill a ground attacker role if needed. Irl, later versions of the aadvark were equipped with better weapons, like better missiles and various types of guided ordinance.

This picture is from an australian aadvark. Maybe we can get more love for the australians from the us tech tree. I mean the us already has the australian abraams, this could make a fine adition to the collection.


My monky brain activated when i saw Czechoslovakian vehicles. But, if you want i would recoment to look at Czechoslovakian TT proposal here on TT where guy works on it for 2 years already. Some really nice vehicles there.

Hehe, you forgot Czechoslovakian version.





That is the 30mm that the Praga used not the ZU-23-2

though i would still like to see added one day


Yeah, forgot to mention that. Same 30mm. And best thing is, all 3 crew members were hidden inside but the position of gunner and commander if not 100% known, but gunner was sitting somewhere under the guns.

Newer photos:

Also my biggest apologies, it did have 1A45 and new turret, judging by new commander’s PKN-4 which is 1A45 thing, and the fact place for rangefinder present on T-80B/BV is present.

Edit( The FCS is still 1A42, however PKN-4 and 1G46 are present, which will be the key additions of 1A45 in T-80U and its version for T-90 1A45T)

Also unlike T-80U, T-80A didnt have APU, as I couldnt find any mentions of it.
You can read more about T-80A and generally soviet tanks in this book (А. В. Карпенко, Обозрение отечественной бронетанковой техники (1905—1995), page 384 ), or a net version someone uploaded here.

Few images from book:


T-80A side view, as well as ERA placement on turret which kinda ressembles T-80U turret.

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A Russian-built BMP-3 IFV was found at the UK Defence Academy in Shrivenham.

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CV90 CZr for Czech Republic
A CV90 with the unmanned Kongsberg MCT-30 turret featuring a 30mm Bushmaster II cannon.

comparison with a CV9030:


Why does it look so… goofy?

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