203mm M110A2 howitzer with Crew Ballistic Shelter (CBS)
What nation made this?
Looks like fun
Maybe Indonesia
SPAA based on the same vehicle
fourth episode of the “weird, unorthodox or good sh*t” list , a only built or partialy built vehicle list :
Blazer ADS (usa)
Flame Thrower Tank T33 and Sherman Crocodile (usa)
McDonnell Douglas F-15 STOL/MTD (usa)
F-20 Tigershark (usa) and F-20 G (Germany)
Skoda - Kauba V5 (germany)
Leo1 A6 VT-2 (germany)
10.5 cm leFH 16 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen FCM 36(f) (germany)
T-44-1 (T-44-85) (russia)
T44-100 (prototype , LB1 gun) (russia)
2S2 « Fialka » (« Violet ») Object 924 , all versions (Russia)
SU-85A and SU-85B (85 mm V-13 gun) (russia)
Hawk Series 200 (UK)
MBT-80 (uk)
T-55 L7A3 (uk / Egypt)
Vickers Mechanised Combat Vehicle (MCV) (uk)
up-armored conqueror (never called super conqueror , target for test) (uk)
G-6 AS-90 Braveheart (South Africa)
IJN Kitakami (1945 retrofit) (JAPAN)
NTK (TK-X-0001) (japan)
BK1850 (WZ-1224) (china)
type 69 with PTZ 89 turret (prototype test-bed , no name) (china)
ZTQ-15 (china)
ZSL 92 (china)
Semovente B1 Bis (italy)
TF-15A (France)
F-18 (FN) (France)
AMX-13 Bitube (France)
Somua MCG with AB 140 (x4 HS404)
Leclerc E.A.U upgrade proposal from IDEX 2017
diferences with standard E.A.U
- | added a remotely operated FLW 200 turret |
- | replaced commander’s panoramic vision system with the PASEO system |
- | addition of 360° peripheral vision projected on new screens at the commander’s, gunner’s and driver’s stations |
- | replacement of the manual system for adjusting the tension of the tracks by an electro-hydraulic device |
- | addition of additional armor on the tank floor (for IED defence) |
- | aluminum track’s replaced by steel track’s (also for IED defence) |
- | + some other stuff |
Strf9040 C with AMAP-ADS (sweeden)
CV-90 D-series turret (sweeden)
Strv 103D NERA (sweeden)
CV90 PROTECTOR MCT-30 (sweeden)
Magach 3 (ERA) fitted with a 120mm (Israel)
merkava 4 with Iron Fist active protection system (APS) (Israel)
NAMER SMANSON 30 MK1 (israel)
Tiran 5S Samovar (Israel)
IAR-317 AIRFOX (Romania)
GUARANI(TORC30) (bresil)
T-55AM2 DYNA (Czechoslovakia)
"T-72M1-A , T-72M3CZ and T-72M4CZ (Czechoslovakia)
T-72 SCARAB (Czechoslovakia)
Cobra 25 and Cobra 90 (belgium)
M4A4 76mm D56T (india)
BWP-40 (poland)
I wish… I wish… for bigger maps - along the lines of the large Tunisia one that’s in RB rotation these days. Especially for top tier playing on small maps just turns the entire game into a silly slugfest that’s basically just arcade without hit markers.
On top of that, I also wish for configuration options where I can indicate I only want to play these big maps. I’ll take the extra queue time for granted.
1944 soviet heavy fighter equipped with 2 23MM “Vya” autocannons with total of 300 rounds. It also could carry bomb load up to 200 KG.
It had very good protection, had speed of 580 km on 3260 m height and had a turn rate of 20 seconds.
The plane was scrapped due to soviets already winning the war, as the current air force was dealing with tasks just fine.
First attempts on making heavy fighter IL were made in 1943, it was based on IL-2 and carried IL-2I name, however while heavily restricting CAS abilities, it didnt expand manueverability or speed of the aircraft, so it was scrapped.
Frontline attacker soviet plane made in 1944.
Ot featured two 20mm Shvak autocannons, two 12.7mm UBS heavy machine guns, better improved VK-105PF engine, allowing it to have sleed of 545 on height of 4km, as wel as good manueverability.
Had bomb load of 700 Kg.
While succeding at trials, it never saw mass production, probably due for the same reason IL-1 was scrapped.
I just want big maps for top tier ground RB.
Most maps are too small to effectively use SPAA, aircraft/helicopters and even tanks.
Spawn SPAA, such as flakrad bus or the pantsir or anything else that is bigger than an average tank and you get cross mapped by a tank sitting in their spawn.
Spawn a plane and don’t dive down to the ground immediately? Die to SPAA. Spawn a helicopter, die to SPAA that might be as close as 2 km away from you in certain maps.
Give us a map like chernarus from arma 2 for GFRB and it will balance out any issues people might have.
No more spawn camping, because the respawn point would move backwards or forwards as enemy takes/loses more territory. Planes and helicopters have plenty of place to fly around and not immediately get pinged by SPAA.
SPAA don’t get cross mapped, but have to actually move with their forces to protect them from planes and helicopters.
Much more ideal for the continous power creep that gets added into the game, instead of using the same old maps that are at most 10x10km of playable area for tanks.
I don’t know where you find these, but they’re great.
you end up finding where to look when you have experience , heck i eaven have classified docs (THAT I WONT USE OF-COURSE)
Lmaoo the rocket pod in the tail
Advanced life ejection system
That whole heli looks like a command and conquer super unit
suicide pod