Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

This or the T-80A at 11.0 would be amazing. Honestly any Soviet T-80 at 11.0 would be welcomed.

Edit: they should split the current T-80U into the U proper (no thermals, BM42, 11.0) and the UM as is at 11.3.


No thermals version already sits with 3BM46 is at 11.0 but with outdated APS. Theres swedish one with thermals and 3BM42 at 11.0 as well, so if you would add version without 3BM46 or thermals you would just make a worse version than these two. Also removing thermals would mean its pre T-80UM model, so for historical accuracy 1250 HP engine should be switched to 1100 HP engine instead.
I do support the idea though.

Not really, there’s early and late T-80U’s with either engine.

Either would be historically accurate.

edit - actually technically only the 1250HP engine is historically accurate for the 3D model.

They’d have to remodel the engine exhaust grill to one like the T-80B’s for a 1100HP engine.

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Yeah what we have right now is a T-80UM basically just not in name.

I just want something at 10.7/11.0 in the TT for the T-80, it sucks that the only one for the Soviets is marketplace.

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T-90M obr. 2010


MMPM and ICV for JP when? :C


It’s not. T-80UM differs from our T-80U with Agava thermal.

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Isnt it Agava 2? Agava has been mounted on one or several (probably one) T-80B, while Agava 2 was mounted on one T-80U as tests in 1987 and then on T-80UM.

I just was lazy to write “2”

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The T-80U we have has the thermal no? Like the T-80BV, it’s prototypical, not the standardised variant.

Ideally they’d be split into separate tanks.

Yes, but its a different tank to the T-80UM.

The T-80UM went through some internal changes, visually you can tell from the digital hot wire anemometer for its fire control.

The T-80U (Agava-2) is just a T-80U with the Agava transplanted in place of the NVDs, keeps the old analog 1B11 anemometer.

edit, oh and they removed the IR spotlight and put ERA in its place

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Gameplay wise, the T-80UM would be exactly what we have now though?

It’d still be nice to see them split, a lower BR T-80U in the TT would be cool.


The T-80U (Agava) with 3BM42 and T-80UM with 3BM46 could have been an interesting BR spread though. Probably a bit late for that now.


I’d like a none thermal T-80U in the TT, it looks so badass with the Luna IR searchlight.

I guess. There’s no shortage of T-80U’s they could add.

Camo net for MBT-2000. It can reduce thermal signature.


Oh Christ


Almost unrecognizable

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GIB. I know Gaijin doesn’t want to encourage bush-wookie play, but I’d LOVE to have more diverse flora to put all over my tanks.

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