Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

2x R-73s, but as of A2G it is stuck with 2x KAB-500Krs and unguided weaponry, with no missiles.
It also led to the Aeramacchi M-346 which operates by Italy as well as Israel

This is a tank designed by people who play way too much warthunder. It is a legit moving supermarket and not a main battle tank.

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It’s a pretty small aircraft. Even KAB 500 looks huge in it.

It didn’t lead to M346.Both were developed from the same prototype.

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Given the Su-25BM is incompetent even with R-73s, I doubt 11.3 would be too low with this. It is a lot more agile but the payload is also quite reduced.

It can use 4 R73 or 2 R73 and 2 ECM pods. 10.7 or 11.0 would be better

10.7 would be way too much, way too much. Given that it is a lot better than the Su-39 in A2A with better FM, 11.3 would do just.

Hopefully we will see some BR decompression when it’s added. It would be hard to balance sub sonic trainer aircrafts.

I want to see some real effort from Gaijin this year to actually improve gameplay. Show us that you care about the gameplay, and that it’s not just another glorified vehicle collector sim.

Time for the Devs to put your thinking caps on and evolve the game. Create a game that accommodates these late gen vehicles that you keep delivering to us.

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I guess Aermacchi/Leonardo M-346FT located to 3rd line in rank VIII and would be 12.0 or 12.3 BR because armed AIM-9L & 5th gen IR IRIS-T, equipped Litening III targeting pod, GBU-12 Paveway II, Lizard 2 & Lizard 4 LGB, GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II, GBU-38(V)1/B JDAM and GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) but not integrated BVR MRAAM, Grifo-346 radar and Brimstone Air-to-Surface Missile


first episode of the “weird, unorthodox or good sh*t” list , a only built or partialy built vehicle list :

LVTP-X and LVTEX-3 (usa)


Super M60 (usa)


M4A3(76)W HVSS Sherman with T99 rocket launcher (usa)

T22E1 (yes that's a experimental autoloader) (usa)

HK 2/1 (germany)


Object 787 "viper" (russia)


Object 782 « tulemus » (russia)


Object 781 Sb.7 (russia)


On top: t34 mod.42 with experimental 85mm canon ZiS-S-53 . bellow: t34-85 with 85mm LB-1 canon (russia)

Object 770 (russia)


U-0 (HF arr. 1939.) (also called Y-0) (76,2-mm rifled gun L-11 + 45-K 20-K gun) (russia)


Kirovets-1 (russia)

chieftain 2000 (UK)

chieftain 900 (UK)

VERDI-2 Warrior (UK)

LIW T6 (south africa)


Uparmored Type-61 (used as test rig for ap shell penetration) (japan)


Ludun 2000 SPAAGM (china)


Type 92 CS/AA5 (40mm) (china)


Firos 25/30 MLRS (italy)


SYRA (Système de Roquette d'Artillerie) 142mm MLRS (france)


AMX-13 DCA (4X 20mm) (france)


CV9025 (sweeden)

155 GH52-SP-T55 (finland)

M113 APC fitted with 30mm Rafael RCWS, Trophy APS and Rafael add-on armor kit (israel)


4 R-73 + 4 KAB-500

Loving these lists


It’s training UR-73 variant of R-73.

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ahah thx dude

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It looks like a Panzer 4 hehe


I’d like something simple even, hb a M551A1 Sheridan TTS with thermals and LRF. Would enjoy the HEAT a lot more…


Does it get a better missile?

Sadly, no. At least I didnt find any better one.

No, it’s the same vehicle that received the new designation M551A1 TTS, and has the AN/VVG-1 Laser Rangefinder and AN/VSG-2B Thermals. Probably would be 8.7. There’s other small differences but all the existing M551’s were upgraded to this standard. This version was used in the Gulf War and also has historical value. The prior version, the M551A1 (only major difference is no thermals, there’s other small differences) was used in Panama during Operation Just Cause.