Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)




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next april fools day event XD

If we get BVRAAM, I want to see a MiG-29S (a keeping with the basics MiG-29 with R-77 capability and improved RADAR/FCS, likely foldered with the current MiG-29) and the Su-27S.

Mig 29SM would be a better option as it would get some air to ground weapons as well. Btw my country uses a MiG-29(9-12B) that can use R-77.

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RC Thunder

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i think it would be fun

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Leopard 2A7V please Germany needs a better armored leopard like the swedish are getting better leopards at the same br as worse german leopards.

The gun didn’t exist. Atleast not in a working state. And was a key reason for its cancellation.

Gaijin has stated that vehicles where major components were not built will not be considered. Thus the Kranvagn will almost certainly not be added to the game unless they change their stance on paper vehicles.



Suggestions for paper vehicles are not accepted by the forum rules.

Unpopular opinion : Germany already receives vehicles from so many nations, I think France would be a better fit for Greek vehlcies

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What possible connection does france have the the greek kf41?

Which greece hasnt even purchased yet.

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Greece uses a lot of French equipments, so it would still fit the thing for me. Let’s remember that gaining actively put a t90m in the British tree, and there are I am sure other similar instances I can’t remember right now

Greece should have it’s vehicles spread out across various trees, with each going to a tree that said vehicle most appropriately fits in.


Okay, fair, but in one light you have this.

And in the other light a uparmored and over glorified AMX-50 turret that was never fully built.

The 10.5cm gun, the same as in the Strv 103 with 62 caliber length instead of the shorter in the centurion, just with a different auto loader, like in the French tanks.

Oh, and I forgot to mention a fluke by gaijin. The Strv 103 C’s Slpprj m/80 should have a higher velocity due to the longer barrel, and more acceleration time, therefore having more penetration.

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Ok but greece doesnt use the kf41 that was demonstrated to them, so its an entirely german tank as of now. With zero connection to france.

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I think a wind tunnel model was made for it. Also it’s not a suggestion. Wish listing here wont do anything.

looks like a noob blender model of a su27