Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

I want to see more American Tank Destroyers and Czech/Slovakian vehicles (preferably in a Visegrad Group Tree).


M1296 Dragoon、M60A3 SLEP、Ajax ARV、CV 90 Mark IV and more Spike !!!


I’d sell my kidney if they add any of the following:
-Premium Fokker G1 in any tech tree.
-Dutch air tech tree.
-MiG-17/19 carrying R-5 missiles.
-Su-9 carrying R-5 and R-55 missiles.
-Su-11, Su-15, Tu-128 and Yak-28P interceptors.
-F-89/101/102/106 with Falcons.
-Falcon missiles on capable J35’s and Swiss Mirage III’s (these had proximity fuses btw).
-Proximity fuses removed from F-89D FFARs and lead angle computing added + FFAR’s buckshotting out. This is how it actually worked…
-CF-100 Canuck with unguided FFAR’s.
-Early beam riding Sparrow missiles on the F3D and F7U.
-Fireflash missiles on Australian nighfighter Meteor variant.
-Any WW2 German jet as a premium. Preferably an Me262 or Ar234 Nightfighter variant.
-Ruhrstahl X-4 missile on anything that got tested with it. (FW-190, Me262, Do335)
-Air-to-air Genie missile (unguided small nuke set to explode at 10km distance wiht a 300m kill radius. Would be very hard to aim, can be a dud near the ground as to not be game breaking).
-Tactical nukes in Enduring Confrontation, dropped by either players or AI on airfields or whatever. Just be nice to have nukes that aren’t game ending cinematics.
-Helicopters in Air Sim Enduring Confrontation, why not add naval too when there is water.
-F-111B, perhaps as a premium?
-Tech tree/squadron/premium or otherwise non-event version of the P-59.
-F-16A Block 1, less nose authority due to smaller tail, no AIM-9L’s and only 4x AIM-9J’s, as an 11.3 premium.
-A partridge in a pear tree.


Hisar A+


KMS Bismark and also LAV-25 pls


Make Type 93 smokeless again


Is it smokeless in real life?



Actually I have 2 country’s in mind that really need some help. Japan and Israel.

Japan really needs to get the Type 81C. Japan is struggling in the AA section and the 81C would really help.

Israel is in need of everything that’s not Magach’s. It needs to get its anti-air vehicles like the HVSD/ADAMS and SPYDER-AIO, needs vehicles like the Namer IFV, Pereh, Hafiz, needs its full Tiran-line, the Merkava Mk. 3D LIC (since the original is…locked as a USA event vehicle), Eitan MGS, Eitan IFV, Sabrah LT, Giraf, Vayzata Armor Package, and LAHAT GL-ATGM. These vehicles would really add much needed diversity and competitiveness to the tree.


Sabra prototype


Italy’s cheap SPAA alternative to the Otomatic
A 1980s SPAA combining Bofors 40mm and Leopard 1 hull


Ukrainian MT-LBMSh,
Upgraded MT-LB with Shkval turret equipped with 30mm ZTM-1 cannon & Baryer ATGMs


Harbin SH-5
Xi’an JH-7
Chengdu J-10
Shenyang J-11
Type 85-III
Type 79
Type 63A

That would pretty much be my wishlist for now


Polish LSPZRA Sopel
SPAA based on the SPG-2A (Opal-II) platform equipped with 2x ZU-23 23mm guns and 2x Strela-2M missile launchers.


Polish LSPZRA Stalagmit
Improved LSPZRA Sopel
SPAA based on the SPG-2A (Opal-II) platform equipped with 2x ZU-23 23mm guns and 4x GROM missile launchers.


M2A2 ODS Bradley Fighting Vehicles equipped with BRAT A2 and BRAT II explosive reactive armor tiles on the US military base in Erbil, Iraq in 2011.
Bradley Reactive Armor Tiles (BRAT)


Do you think they could introduce BRAT as a modification?

I hope we get the Abrams RAT that also covers the turret.


Arab League tech tree when?


Aircraft: Curtiss P-40N-5-CU Warhawk

Description: Single-engine monoplane fighter

Description: The final production model of the series, the P-40N represented Curtis’ efforts to improve the Warhawk’s performance by decreasing the plane’s weight, installing the new Allison V-1710 engine, lengthening the fuselage, and improving the rearward visibility by expanding the cockpit.

Early-model P-40N-1-CUs had the best performance of any P-40, with notable increases to speed and rate of climb by deleting two of the machine guns from the wings, dropping the armament from 6x M2 0.5 cals to just 4x M2 .50 cals. Later variants from the P-40N-5 onwards started installing them again after pilot reports about the armament’s poor efficacy in combat started flooding in. Nevertheless, “hot rod” P-40Ns with the reduced armament saw speeds of up to 378 mph, while later, heavier blocks saw “just ~345-50 mph.

Despite the improved performance of the P-40N-5’s late-model Allison engine, it was still inadequate for many sorties in the European Theater which involved high-altitude mission profiles. This was primarily due to the lack of a two-stage supercharger. As a result, the P-40N was primarily used for ground attack in Europe (primarily over Italy), although in the Pacific Theater it still saw some success as a fighter.

In addition to seeing service with the USAAF, the P-40N series saw great usage with with Commonwealth nations like the RAAF and RNZAF who used the type as late as 1945.

Fuel and Oil Data:

Internal Fuel Capacity: 157 gallons

Oil Capacity: 8.75 gallons

Engine Data:

Manufacturer: Allison

Designation: V-1710-81

Engine Count: 1

Number of Cylinders: 12

Configuration: Double-row inline, water-cooled

Supercharger: single-stage, single-speed

Power Data:

Takeoff Power (52” Hg): 1200 HP @ 3000 RPM @ SL

Combat Power (57” Hg, ram air): 1480 HP @ 3000 RPM @ 10000 ft

Combat Power (57” Hg, no ram air): 1480 HP @ 3000 RPM @ 7500 ft

Military Power at (44.2” Hg, ram air): 1125 BHP @ 3000 RPM @ 17000 ft

Military Power at (44.2” Hg, no ram air): 1125 BHP @ 3000 RPM @ 15000 ft

Max Continuous Power (38” Hg): 1000 HP @ 2600 RPM @ 14400 ft

Max Cruise Power (31” Hg): 760 HP @ 2300 RPM @ 16600 ft

Propellor Data:

Manufacturer: Curtis

Blade Count: 3

Blade Diameter: 11 ft (?)

Dimensional Data:

Length: 33 ft, 3.72 in

Height: 12 ft, 4.5 in

Wing Span: 37 ft, 3.5 in

Wing Area: 236 sq. ft

Wing Loading (Gross Weight): 35 lbs/sq. Ft

Weight Data:

Empty Weight: 6200 lbs

Gross Weight (clean): 8260 lbs

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 10300 lbs

General Performance Data:

Max Speed (clean condition): 350 mph (563.27 kph)

Power-off, flaps-up, gear up Stall Speed (Gross Weight): 88 mph (141.62 kph)

Power-off, flaps-down, gear down Stall Speed (Gross Weight): 79 mph (127.14 kph)

Service Ceiling: 31000 ft

Maximum Speeds (clean condition, auto-rich mixture, 3000 RPM):

At SL (44.5” Hg): 287 mph (461.88 kph)

At 5000 ft (44.5” Hg): 306 mph (492.46 kph)

At 10000 ft (44.5” Hg): 325.5 mph (523.84 kph)

At 15000 ft (44.5” Hg): 344 mph (553.61 kph)

At 16400 ft (44.5” Hg): 350 mph (563.27 kph)

At 20000 ft (39.2” Hg): 342.5 mph (551.20 kph)

At 25000 ft (32.1” Hg): 326 mph (524.65 kph)

Rate of Climb (clean condition, auto-rich mixture, 3000 RPM, 8300 lbs):

At SL (44.5” Hg): 1860 ft/min (9.45 m/s)

At 5000 ft (44.5” Hg): 1900 ft/min (9.65 m/s)

At 10000 ft (44.5” Hg): 1935 ft/min (9.83 m/s)

At 14000 ft (44.5” Hg): 1960 ft/min (9.96 m/s)

At 20000 ft (39.2” Hg): 1310 ft/min (6.66 m/s)

At 25000 ft (32.1” Hg): 760 ft/min (3.81 m/s)


Guns: 6x M2 .50 cal Browning HMG (1410 rounds, 235 RPG)

Bombs: 2x 500 lb OR

2x 1000 lb (wing-mounted) and 1x 500 lb (center rack)

This information was pulled from an old p40n5 posted by Aquila link provided for the old forum post


I think it was suggested before but it was removed later