Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)



I think there different enough to have both.

Both. Both is good.

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High tier kf41 like tanks for germany without needing the kf41.

Like the Marder CCV/Evolution

The boxer ifv wheeled or tracked

The kf31

The ACV puma 25mm variants 2x 440hp and 2x 750hp

The TH495 25MM or mk30-2

The Marder 2

Marder M12

Thats 12 potential good high tier tanks for germany.

Ill settle for these if we cant get the kf41. Some of them are probably better anyways.


South African Badger IFV

AMICT.pdf (


T-80A (Object 219A) at 10.7-11.0 BR.
Imagine T-80BV (with updated UFP, not the one from T-80B, or basically T-80U UFP but with Kontakt 1 and not Kontakt 5) with GTD-1000M engine producing 1200 hp, weight of 45,2 tons, giving it a hp/t ratio of 26,6, this being better than T-80B and being worse than T-80Us and T-80BVM. It has around same turret armour compared to T-80U, again having no Kontakt 5 (turret was taken from T-64BM (soviet project, not Ukrainian modification, featuring new turret), fire control is 1A42 but with presense of PKN-4 and 1G46 like on T-80U in game ( but no thermals)
In the end we recieve slightly better T-80B (slightly better HP/T ratio (25~ hp/t vs 26~ hp/t, better protection (UFP of T-80BV and turret of T-80U without Kontakt 5, better sights but no thermals (sort of trade off), turret rotation speed as well as depression remain the same, being fitted with 3BM42, 9M119 (T-80A could use it)

First prototypes were produced in 1982, starting from 1983-1985 several more were produced, difference being the Kontakt 1 appearance. On the picture above we have T-80A in Kubinka museum, this prototype being produced in 1984.

Practically a T62 but with 2A24 100mm gun. It has better characteristics than typical D-10S found on T-54/55 tanks, so performance of APHE is better, as well as APDS (historically it shouldnt recieve APDSFS).


SEPAR has no stabilizer and only brings weight to the 10RC, it’s not good at all.

At least T40 brings a stabilized 40mm

It has an APS, maybe commander thermals, as well as slightly more reliable armor.

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It has soft kill and that’s it. NO CITV and the armour makes it immune to 14,5 max. It’s not a good upgrade.

Not good enough to justify the cost of a new model.

Instead Gaijin could spend the money on a stabilized variant that would bring meaningful improvment to the tree.

France does not need more subpar vehicles

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I personally still want to see it. It’s still a later version of the AMX-10RC. Even could be a mod for the existing one

I’ll have to take another look but I’ll take your word for it.

Which is why I said that the VEXTRA is more important of an addition. The T40 likewise can wait until after the Jaguar.

The initial three T-90S variants trialed by India:

Variant 1:
Cast turret with Buran-PA night sight and IR searchlight. No Shtora system but fitted with V-92S diesel engine.

Variant 2:
Cast turret with T01-P06 Nocturne thermal imaging sight + full Shtora system with dazzlers and fitted with V-92S diesel engine.

Variant 3:
Welded turret with Essa sight and Shtora systems but without the dazzlers as well as fitted with V-92S diesel engine.

that thing looks nuts

Its essential just a marder with external composite and a mk30-2. Supposedly still the same engine which means horrible mobility. But its armor should be great against other ifvs.

And looking at the turrets size and placement im betting its a manned turret like the kf41.

But its still yet another light tank germany could get.

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it’s also another vehicle that can combat scout drones with (HOPEFULLY) AHEAD ammunition if and when it ever gets added

Honestly if they just linked its range to IRST then itd be good enough for right now.

Like they already have that kind of mechanic in naval with the ship constantly automatically updating the range.

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The bushmasters airburst are also missing, for the cv9030FIN and the French Premium IFV

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I really want the AAM-3 for the EJ Kai


It’s pretty sad that Gaijin has been quiet on Japanese domestic AAMs we could of had stuff since the AIM-9B/ R60 days with AAM-1 and AAM-2 respectively.

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KC-130H with 12 x 250kg bombs and MATRA SFOM shooting sight.





