Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


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Ground RB EC using historical lineups based on the Pages of History for that month.

Top light support/reco vehicles for French ground for covering the MBTs that are saddly alone for now:

Panhard CRAB (here with a 30mm + 7.62)
“The remotely operated turret can mount various types of weapons, from 7.62mm machine guns to 30 mm automatic cannons, and surface or air defense missiles”

Panhard Sphinx (40mm + 2 x atgms launcher (not sure wich one))

EBRC Jaguar (40mm + 2x F&F Akeron MP)

VBCI 2 CTA40 (40mm + 2x F&F Akeron MP)

VBCI 2 CTA40 Philoctète (diff with the basic one is unmaned turret)


VEXTRA POLE (literally the Leclerc’s turret on wheels)


What about the kv1c Original? Weve got the captured version of it but not the russian one.

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Speaking of captured KV-1s, how about the Finnish KV-1B goes in the Finnish tree instead of the German one! And the KV-1A (AKA KV-1 ZiS-5).


Already in the german premium one cant be removed from it. (In terms of players who alreasy have it) But yes obviously it should be in the swedish main tree as well.

But lets be realistic here. The kvib and kv1e are some of gaijins moneymakers. They aint gonna just hand that out for free. Id be surprised if they did that.

Don’t remove KV-1B, just keep it unobtainable for the future. Add KW-IA 753 (r), a KV-1A but with F-32 for Germany at 4.3. If Gaijin really wants, make the KV-1B premium for Sweden and have only the KV-1A as Tech Tree.

KV-1B is an event vehicle and completely out of their hands since it’s a marketplace vehicle.
Which should honestly make it be able to go to Sweden without any problem.

Its not just a marketplace tank. Its currently available from just about any update chest.

Yeah, we’ve had event/premium vehicles be added as tech tree to new nations before. American Merkavas, Russian Type 62, German C.202, etc. KV-1B shouldn’t be any different.

Well yes, except those vehickes never made gaijin tons of money. Why do you think the kv1b survived the br changes? To incentivise people to spend tons of money gambling to try and get it through update chests.

Speaking from gaijins point of veiw i dont see why econonmically they would make a decision like that.

What captured KV1C? The KV1C was a modification by german engineers with a german gun?

Afaik the kv1c was a russian heavy with a semi rounded turret captured by germany and afterwards had it 76 changed to a 75. Not sure if its russian name is the kv1c but the turret is not german.

yeah but the KV1C in the german tree is german and you wrote it like it could just be copy and pasted into the russian tree

The Russians called it the KV-1 1943, few were built because of its obsolete armament.

Ah ok. Thats its name. But kv1 is still kv1 in war thunder. And theyre all pretty good.

Japanese tanks addon:
-Type 97 Te-Ke
-Type 5 Ke-Ho
-TA-SE(turet mount on Chi-ha hull)
Recommended location on tech tree:

Idea and Image of TA-SE chi -ha hull(image from men of war as2 , mod: terminator v2 credit for original author):


A Japanese ww2 tier two light tank is a nescesity cuz you cant spot without going to coldwar stuff.

Also since we’re talking submarines now gimme the K-Class “Kalamity Boats”

It’s shocking we don’t have the Ho-Ni II in game already. It’s just a Ho-Ni I with a versatile 105mm howitzer.

And the Type 5 Ke-Ho would be a great addition; unlike pretty much every other Japanese light tank, it actually had good mobility. It’d be great at 2.0 or 2.3.

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