Umm, I meant the opposite. Spike is performing poorly. Often doesn’t hit at all. Misses all 4 launched missiles. Some times 4 consecutive missile hits doesn’t take out 1 tank. Many times randomly locks to dead tanks.
And keeping eye 2 eye contact throughout the flight path will just make it a Saclos missile. That too a slow one, due to its launch trajectory.
ItO 96 (9A310M1 with 9M38M1 missile)
35km max range with 22km max altitude.
Finland purchased BUK system from Russia in 1994, in an effort to modernize Finnish surface to air capability, it replaced the older S-125 SAM system which was purchased from the USSR.
In 2005, conscript training for ItO 96 was ended, with NASAMS II being chosen in 2009 to patch in the void caused by ItO 96 replacement with the high altitude defense being replaced by Hornets, however in 2023 Finland chose Israeli Davids Sling SAM system which will fully replace the capabilities of ItO 96 system.
However even with ItO 96 being moved into storage, training for this systems use is conducted when necessary and the system still remains stored for wartime use.
Would be a nice end of line anti aircraft system at least for time being in Swedish tree.
Still want the Ito 05, the Finnish truck with the Asrad turret. If nations can get multiple SPAA at the same BR it would be nice to see more domestic SPAA that sit at the same BR.
Yea, ItO 05M would be nice. It also would have upgrades over the ASRAD-R already in tree so not baseless addition.
For example, modernized radar (HARD 3D LPI >20x5km range), RBS 70 NG missile, Laser rangefinder and FIM-92K missile (datalink for radar).
Could you elaborate on this one?
It uses the same radar
NG is the MANPADS launcher, missile stays the same
ASRAD-R has a Laser Rangafinder
It uses a modernized version of it.
Yeah misred that part.
Ingame it doesnt.
Nope, it uses the same
It is literaly the same system on a different chassis
Was going to say iirc the ASRAD lacks a laser rangefinder and it should also be stabilized but in game isnt.
Too bad it is VERY hard to convince Gaijin that it should have it.
Oh i know lmao, its just them saying nuh uh despite more than enough reasoning being given.
Hmm seems to be the case.
Found this, originally from Saab website. One bug report I found which had a response was that Janes cant be used as a source, but no responses except accepted on ones linking saab website.
Just a classic case of gaijin not wanting to add systems as they should be except the one tree.
Guess who is the creator of the reports you mention ;)
I wish they actually looked at them, I feel like they just mark stuff as accepted/forwarded to appease the people.
I and million others have reported the fact that Finnish/Swedish Leo 2s are missing Israeli M339, HE-MP-T, yet nada. It seems such a massively easy thing to copy paste it for them since its already in game. But naaah, gaijin market auctions/gambling is more important.
Finnish T34’s all have the add on armor weight without the armor so they all weight 200kg more than they should yet ive sent it to multiple mods and they’ve ignored it.
Whenever the Swedish navy comes to the game i do hope they add some of the auxiliary cruisers and gunboats like this here Hjälpkanonbåt H22.
Ngl, I love older 6x6 armoured cars, here’s some that I’d love to see in game! (Photos in Spoilers!). (Specifically designed as armoured cars, not 6x6 APCs with a turret slapped on top)
Saladin Armoured Car, (UK & DE)
76mm HESH flinger, v cute. There’s an option for a 90mm gun too
ERC-90 F1 Lynx & F4 Sagaie (FR)
90mm Gun, the Lynx can only fire HEAT and has a extremely similar turret to the AML-90, the Sagaie can fire APFSDS and has the same turret as the MARS already in game. There’s a modernised F4 Sagaie with an improved engine.
ERC-90 F1 & F4
ERC-90 F1, an export vehicle not used by France
ERC-90 F4 as used by the French Paras
M38 Wolfhound (US)
A replacement for the Greyhound armoured car
Intially armed with a 37mm gun, there was however a single prototype converted with a M24 Chaffee turret!
Cadillac Gage LAV-600 (US)
Baring no relation to the Canadian LAV’s we have the LAV-600, Think of it as a 6 wheeled Centurno or Type-16 and you wouldn’t be far off the mark.
105mm gun
Class 1 (UK via ZA)
Part of the programme that lead to the Rooikat, similar to the next entry but is distinctly different.
76mm HV gun, same as the Rooikat 76.
Class 1
TH400 (DE)
Essentially a wheeled TAM, inspired the above Class 1.
105mm gun, either a TAM like turret or a 1A5 turret.
Original turret
Leopard 1a5 turret
Now if you excuse me, the adorable Type-87 RCV beckons me
(If you have any other suggestions for 6x6s lmk!)
Or the Vickers Mk.11?
+Argentinian cousin: Renault VAPE and its competitor Panhard VAPE:
well, guess the EE-17 Uruvel & LAV-300 doesn’t qualify then:
More thinking ergonomically and looks.
The Vickers Mk.11 looks like a crime against tank/AFV design
It looks like a poor locust got hit by a truck and then got mounted on top of it.