I want a maus
We have a maus at home
Aaahhh tank
- Yo that’s the Pansarvärnrobotbandvagn 452 (Pvrbbv 452). I completely forgot about that! It has RBS 56 BILL missiles. It gives Sweden another opportunity for a dedicated anti-tank missile carrier that has 3x launchers in one so you can fire in rapid succession like the ZT3A2. Since it uses strong top attack missiles, maybe like BR 9.3-9.7.
- There’s also an anti-air variant too called the Luftvärnsrobotbandvagn 4016 (Lvrbpbv 4016) with RBS 70 missiles but I can’t find any images of it. I’d imagine it just has a launcher with exposed crew like the in-game Lvrbv 701. Probably 9.7 and folder with the other one.
- 12 were used of the AA variant while the Pvrbbv 452 only had 3 made and remained a prototype.
third world MiG-23MS operators like syria/iraq/libya also had MiG-21bis at the same time. it’s nothing special.
This’ Maus’ lost older cousin.
MGBT had ECM and counter measure pods along with removed radar with a better RWR and aim 9 compatability. Its fairly unique being a Frankensteins monster
My wishlist: Fix Air Assault. More tiers and actually have some requirements for activity.
360 degree radar
Detection Range: 35 Km
Engagement Range: 20 Km
can engage 8 targets simultaneously.
i hope it wont come for the russian tree, even if it is iranian.
End stage WW2 super Tank destroyers
ISU-152-2 with bl-10 152mm shooting the 49kg ap shell at 880m/s
Jagtiger with Pak 44 L/66, increasing the velocity to 1000m/s (not constructed but the modifications of an extended barrel and an additional box in the back to accommodate transportation of the gun are not that absurd to exclude it from being added)
Iran has a lot of unique/interesting vehicles.
For something new:
I know we have 10,000,000 MiG-21’s but I’d love a Viet Mig-17 and 21. Considering the Viets shot down more F-4’s than anyone else…
Problem is where to put it. Not China or France that’s for sure… though China seems the best option they also already have one. And Russia isn’t lacking for them and Japan is obviously far away and not related by that time.
I mean, there’s only 2 options realistically: China (but it unlikely) or Soviet TT
crazy that it was the police that used this and not the army in germany. Not enough for an invasion and to much for normal border duties.
Would really love to see this as a rank 3 german light tank. Although the hesh shell had only 80mm pen iirc. Which would be enough for maybe 4.0 if the chassie is fast. Maybe if hesh would get a rework it could be higher
Karl-Gerät 040 , 600mm destroyer of worlds.
Karl-Gerät 041 , 540mm
Itd be funny to uptier.
given the time period (1958 or so when the deliveries started), the biggest threat was would have been DDR lights like the BTRs etc, even then the DDR operated the T-34 in front like roles well into the 60s. Good enough for the boarder guards to commence a delaying action.
(Which was their main role in a war gone hot, they also had 20mm armed APCs akin to the ush 20 in the swedish tree)
there about, however there’s a chance of gaijin fudging the numbers and using a estimation like with other Hesh, which would increase the pen a bit, but who knows.
Wouldn’t mind the (rumored) Jagdtiger with the long 88 as well.
You get the armor plus better reload all while still getting some decent pen.
But dunno how paper it is. Seen no pics.
You know what I propose?
Origin country of the vehicle getting timed exclusivity.
For example, Saladin. UK gets it in a patch.
Then other user countries get it later in next or later patch.
Unlike the M44 or M109 method.
Kind of like the Pzh2000 (ignore the premium Hun one). Germany got it first. Italian TT will get it later.