FV101, 76mm hesh flinger, could come to UK, JP (via Thailand), & FR (via Belgium).
Snail plz bless me with a last minute Scorp addition with this Major Update!
you would see this plane when f15EX comes
ur overestimating when it will; come, i guess well mid 2027 to early 2027 its gonna come. and expect aim9x block one to come his fall or december(plausible it can come in summer also)
usa has allot of top tier planes/old planes left to come (exluding bombers):f101,f102,f106,f4G,f4N,F-4D late,F14D,A-37B,F16-79,F16-XL,F16 block 40 poBIT,f16 block 60,f15A early,f15B (strike eagle demonstrator),f15SE,F15QA,F15EX,F15C apg63v2,f15C apg 63v3,F18E block 2,f18E block 3,f18G,F35 A,F35B,f35C,f22A block 10,f22 block 30,OA-1k,AC-208,A4M late
I know it’s been talked about before but still spicy. T-90 Bhishma’s rolling with IF-LD or Trophy would be sick:

- Bottom image is older but still relevant in ways.
Thai B.Kh.20 (F/A-18C/D). Thailand ordered 8 airframes (4 C and 4 D models) in 1996, expecting another 18 to be ordered later. All airframes started construction and received their Thai serials, two of the twin seat models were nearly ready to be delivered.
However as the Asian Financial Crisis hit in 1997 and it was clear that fulfilling the remaining payments of ~$250M wouldn’t be viable, and the order was cancelled. Unable to find another export customer all 8 partially complete aircraft were finished as twin seat D models and used in USMC service. The initial payment of ~$75M was not refunded.
Images taken from the very well made user camo by Bangkok_City
Based on an F-16A ADF livery from 102nd FS, the aircraft that ended up being bought after the Asian Financial Crisis as cheap interceptors.
WT Live // Camouflage by Bangkok_City
No better irccm? Or trust?
If not then if python 4 is added i dont see why not adding this as well
should be similar to Python4
Python 4 equivalent, my guess
Python 4 better R-73M ? 🤔
Ig python 4 has more range while r73m has more agility
WTH is lython 4 and T73M 🤣🤣
These my favourite APUM (Anti-Pedestrian Unguided Missiles)
Lol mb i was fast typing
Bartini-Beriev VVA-14:
M-17 “Stratosphere”
Pleasant bonus: