Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Final Chally 3 model is supposed to have a slightly different designed turret with Trophy APS attached.

Trophy integereted in it. The turret will be designed with trophy in mind, not like for example BN where Iron Fist got attached to it.

It is a modified Cr2 Turret to save resources.

Ok but now how many rounds does it hold

Good question. Irrc it got a leo2 like rack Slapped in the back of the turret, so 15 should be, how much more, who knows

Blow out panels? Or is that only CR3

Sorry, i have nothing on that

Yea … meant to say ‘integrated’ … not ‘attached’

Challenger 2 Oman

Uses the complete running gear (drive sprocket, idler and road wheels) & TOGS I sight from Challenger 1.
Armor package similar to earlier Burlington rather than Dorchester armor of UK CR2.
Features an improved CV12-8A engine and T2 cooling group with Hydraulic cooling fans.
Also features a M2HB QCB .50 MG mounted on the loaders hatch

An M48 hull gets upgraded with a Leo 2AV turret


Why did they do this

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2 drunk germans one day:
Hey Hans, the rings seems the same, want to try fitting them?
And so it became that thing


most likely scenario

The Patton hull was used to transport turrets around the facility.

That’s got be a joke too impractical

Wait untill you see a Yugoslavian T-55 with M18 turret.

Damn, I want this.

The Leopard 2 was still in development at the time and the chassis weren’t ready yet.

Is that “thing” functional? or dr. Frankenstein threw it there and waited for lightning to strike?

He looks ridiculously sexy


So its not actually connected, then?