Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

One more request: source with 2a6a3 data, we will try to make a topic about modification for 2a6, which is in the game

I love the 60mm

Looks like the UDES xx40/20 the Swedish were building. I guess it is by designation. Which BV-hull is it built on? The 206 or 410. I’ve seen someone suggest the BV-206 with the 75mm recoilless rifle

Type rrv

My scanner unfortunately doesn’t work at the moment. I’ll try to get it fixed soon :)

Gaijin already have modelling for HMS Warspite for War Thunder Mobile. And as WTM and WT shares modelling, it will be matter of time when Warspite comes

Late 1941 or 1942 version it seems. Though WTM states as ‘HMS Warspite 1944’ AFAIK but WTM’s ship classification is garbage as they classed Warspite as battlecruiser so no meaning on those name.


Thank you. If you will be able to scan it, do it in person message, ok? I will try to do theme about research modification (like UBX on t-72b3) with that :).

Its apparently a 105mm and a coaxial 20mm. Looking at it again i can see the 20mm.

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To be fair anything after 1920 has the improved Green Boy shells to punch through heavier armour and anything after 1941 has the AA refit, they think if Warspite had have been stationed in in Pearl Harbour and not the East Coast it could’ve more than halved the ship losses with the new AA battery.

Well ingame shells of Hood and Renown were already ‘greenboy’ shells. Actually Renown has to get new 1930s 6crh APC but Gaijin refuses saying ‘balance’(funny excuse as Renown is acutally quite suck in game)

While seeing Nevada and Texas using old APC, and Renown using old shells, I’m loosing hope of new APC for British 15’’ and US 14’'. The only Gaijin’s super-loving one, Japan, can get new shell for this game.

Of course, I don’t know why Germany is such a favourite for Gaijin at the moment, Japan has arguably the best ship in history so them being a strong TT makes sense but sometimes their choice of favourites makes no sense. Like I can’t see why the Bayerns and QE’s/R’s were not added simultaneously.

Yes in the current Renown refit she should be using the Mk.7 or Mk.8 Greenboys but IIRC she has the Mk.3’s and due to relining of the guns she probably wouldn’t have even been able to use those shells.

Oh and there’s no reason for Renown to be at 7.0, 6.7 even with her sitting in the water right. The whole purpose of the class was to chase faster ships, not to fight peer adversaries of which the current 7.0s are even more than that.

Renown has poor armour even if she sat in the water as she should and only 6 15 inch guns, with the nerfed dispersion of the guns and the wrong shells id seems pretty balanced compared to Marlborough with 10 13.5 inch guns which have okay ballistics.

Anyone know the name of this tank?

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Why does it look fake?

Maybe some Type 62 modification?



Object 432 / T-64 115mm (1967) USSR MBT at 9.0



Stingray Light Tank



For the Latin American TT

Look at this beauty >>> Tifón 2A

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FV101 Scorpion 90mm