Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

More light vehicles the better. I love the intense feeling of panic whenever someone looks in my direction. Its so exciting.

Mbts get really boring after awhile. But thats just me.

They’re definitely very fun to play, don’t get me wrong. But MBTs are better at taking a hit, and Ares doesn’t have composite screens.

Best I can do is hope that France is getting a meaningful light tank instead of a worse VBCI-2.

It’s not like the Leclercs are able to take any hits either lol it wouldn’t change much really

Why does there need to be something here? If they didn’t use or design something that would have the performance for the BR it should just be open.

F-16A Block 1 with only 9Js.

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Add them all!

Because there will likely just be a bunch of 10.0+ light vehicles with no MBT to pair with unless you uptier them to the Leclerc.
Ares is just one MBT that will pretty much behave like a light vehicle anyways.

Which goes back to the Panzer 87 not being critical, but it would be nice to have so there’s something to flesh out the BR range instead of leaving it dead.

Swedish M8 greyhound

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Introduce a new vehicle type “recovery” or “engineering vehicle”


There’s already 2 engineering vehicles.

Most recovery vehicles dont have proper offensive armaments however more engineering vehicles can be added since some of them have howitzers or similar armaments.

France has a weird AMX-30 variant with only 5-6 shots. So it’s definitely a “careful what you wish for” kind of thing.

Captured, you say?

I always wonder if we will ever see these types of vehicles in War thunder. It would provide 100% unique gameplay (they could even be used to install mines, as an extra function). That would open the door to new strategies and functions, such as mine sweepers.
I always thought it would be a lot of fun to shoot upwards with mortars. One of my best experiences in War Thunder was playing with the AVRE, it is the closest thing we have to a mortar, although it is far from it.




These vehicles could be too difficult to use with current shooting system. They might need to add a new mechanic for these types of vehicles.

This one?

Ones that use drones to find and track targets might be able to work.


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or they can add a mechanic similar to wot’s artillery mechanic


For arcade mode I guess it could work, but for realistic and sim maybe give mortar vehicles the ability to scout and “calculate” the range of vehicles or points of interest. Scouting from light tanks could also give a range estimate on the map.