Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

In average,how long takes a suggestion to get aproved for consideration or rejected?

Up to one Month.

…wow. This is pretty sick.

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ASCOD T105/1 light tank with a HITFACT Mk0 turret.


I remember it also uses APFSDS.

Idk, as that isn’t listed according to official sources

An Ariete tank hull with a Centauro 2 turret i found on the internet :  r/CursedTanks

This thing, Italy needs something more


There’s also KF41 with Hitfact MK2 turret


And Otokar Tulpar


tbh, I like this one more than the one on Lynx

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idk about Mk1 but Mk3 is 80 and Mk4 is 83 tons

Me too

how to make T-34 indestructible? Put a huge semi-armored box all over it so enemy doesn’t know where to shoot!

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anyway, can we please see CATI 90 and some squadron MBTs for minor nations 👉🏻👈🏻 mostly russian squad tanks are not fun and unique

They made like 3 of those abominations lol

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Type-96A with anti-cumulative lattice screens on the sides of the tank


I find it a bit funny that the screens on the side are what is most interesting nowadays, as the cope cage is just old news and outside of adoption by another military they are not technologically significant enough to be the least bit impressive.

Yeah; China makes a lot of interesting cars on different platforms, but doesn’t do many modifications to production models, let alone improvements. So far, the 96/99A hasn’t received ERA side protection, due to transportation restrictions. So, this looks like a breath of air for such production cars ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


you do realize that the turret is yet to debut in WT in its original platform, lol

we’re in a phase where a subtree of a nation got its end tier vehicle (that is even newer than anything IRL), before the main nation’s own latest vehicle (which has been available IRL for soo long that a country from another continent has even inducted it and have started using it). rofl

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What was that? Was it the Hungarian leopard?