“to make them the best”
“to make them the best”
sure bud
best wind tunnels around the world.
roland missile?
So … Ariete only has a chance coz Brazil recently got the Centauro II MGS.
M1A1 SA, only if cheaper else it has all points working against it.
Leclerc? Well, if its a good deal but has lower chance than M1A1 but above Ariete, but its a proven platform.
K2 makes most sense, given the modularity, weight and the recent popularity.
VT4? Only if they want the lightest and cheapest offering.
The other two German offering are both newest as well as most unproven. But Brazil can take the risk, given the lower chance of volatility in its adjoining region. But both are pretty heavy as well. And weight is a priority for Brazil.
Brazil was also cozying up with Japan for an exception for the Type-10s but guess that went nowhere.
(posted in the forums, long back)
Pretty stupid, given that they neglected their domestic Osorio, stuck with Leo 1s and now procuring heavy MBTs, even after getting MGSs.
(The last option should be upgrading the current Leo 1s. Those are still lighter and if upgraded properly can still be formidable in the region)
Would be a better deal than the Abrams I’d say for the region, with the europowerpack, if France still manufactured hulls.
Sadly they don’t since the late 2000s so we can pretty much forget about them
I thought the leclerc that knds france proposed was the leclerc evolution but seems like not, no clue why it is proposed then, France is no longer producing any.
Leclerc évolution is only proposed to current users of the Leclerc as of now, that is France, UAE, and maybe Jordan, by upgrading current material
I guess KNDS might be proposing to open new production lines for a Leclerc/Leclerc évolution tho, but that would come at a higher cost
Well, i thought the leclerc evolution with how it is currently offered could evolve and have a different hull.
Upgrading the package of existing leclerc is too restricting after all there isn’t a lot of them to start with.
Except if they would use those that had their parts cannibalized for others leclerc but it would still be a lot of work.
The evolution hill is not significantly different from the original leclerc. Also the Leclerc was originally designed with modularity in mind, so such modifications should have been thought about.
At the eurosatory, I was told the evolution comprised of a a renovation of the hull
I wanted to say that it was restricting because you cannot sell it to countries outside current leclerc users, even tho it would go against MGCS, there is not a lot to loose.
What do you mean no, this is what the Kronstadt was supposed to be.
but it wasnt
It was initially designed with the 305 until the USSR bought a surplus of 15inch SK C/34 and their twin turrets. If the ship was finished it would’ve had the German 15inch guns.