Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

I think i’m too old to understand what a w post is but i’ll assume it’s something good 😂

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I was joking. Gaijin likes to add vehicles in wrong TT

TT also fine for me.

Currently gaijin implemented Fokker G.1A, Firefly F.Mk.IV, Sea Fury FB 11, Hunter F.6 and Sea Hawk Mk.50 (premium GE)

RAAF service or train pilot only ?

For USSR operator only ? but now soviet tech tree no MiG-17 with Air-to-Air Missile

Maybe P-59B for the researchable tech tree

I don’t know F-16A Blk I from USAF or Belgium to premium tree

No, not a 3rd Belgian F-16 when NL gets 0.

Yeah I know, this post is from before that.

MT-LB with 2M-3

A product of Russian ingenuity…or the proverbial Less than the sum of its parts!?!

The MT-LB is a 1950s era armoured tractor, the 2M-3 is a twin 25mm naval gun turret used in several patrol boats and corvettes. More recently the marine corps in the Russian Far East paired them up and sent them to the Russian Far West (and beyond). Watching videos it appears the stabilisation has been removed and the accuracy takes a hit as a result (pun intended) . Forget about firing on the move unless you want to spray a 180deg arc.

And this was the ‘improved’ version. Originally it sat lower without the elevated turret basket, and apparently the entire vehicle shook even when stationary!


Ukrainian MT-LB with BTR-70 turret.

The turret contains 2x 12.7mm KT-12 machine guns in a fully stabilised mount… It may not be as punchy as it’s Russian counterparts who rock 25mms but it will at least hit the target far more consistently.


MT-LB with ZSU-23-2

A rather conventional pairing with a standard twin gun mounted atop the tractor in a manner similar to the many, many ZSU improvised gun carriages seen over the decades.


I am all for this MTLB posting.

Poor Motilga, used so much for weirder and weirder field “modifications”

The first hull might be PT14, I can’t tell atm. The second hull is PT16 though.

Honestly idk

North American NA-40


Shes the slightly chubby, forgotten aunt of the Mitchell family who never gets a party invite. Isn’t it about time that injustice was corrected.


Convair XB-46

R (42)
OIP (31)

Squeezed from existence, literally and figuratively, by the B-45 and B-47. The XB-46 design came out looking like a Canberra where length and span were accidentally switched from cm to inches stretching her out like spaghetti.


Looks like a B-24 and B-25 got a little dirty…

To me F-22 looks normal and a natural evolution of a design like F-15 to stealth territory.
Whereas YF-23 is comparitvely more advanced and sort of alien like.
To someone uninformed if we tell them that F-23 is the newest modern stealth aircraft and is the evolution of F-22 as well its replacement… they’d surely believe it.
(Northrup even tried recently to reuse YF-23 design for Japan’s stealth project proposal)


The F-22 is just kind of blocky and coarse, I think you explained it well it really just takes too much from it’s predecessors

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Fun toys from Cyprus…

They just had there parade.


Now that you say it … from blockyness standpoint, F-22 does lack any curves we associate with aircrafts … only thing blockier than that was the F-117, but that was just a origami project.
In contrast, YF-23 and F-35 have comparitvely less blockyness.

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Added the 2nd for chassis comparison from same view angle

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