Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Mind showing any sources? I couldn’t find anything indicating its actual existence. Would be hella cool if it does exist, as china would have a big cannon equivalent to other nations, such as the Leclerc 140mm, the M1 CATTB 140mm, the Challenger 130mm, the Leopard 2A4-140mm, the Object 292/other Russian 152mm prototypes, and any other big gun bois I can’t remember atm.

By any chance can you recall where this has been debunked at?

yea this is the armata “concept”
there was a rumor that they might … the ZTQ-15 proved much promising to them … smaller, nimble, less expensive & easily disposable … compared to something like losing few Armatas in the ongoing conflict
hence the leaked new light tank with a “fast-firing-75mm” might be one of the concepts they are trying … a la chinese HSTVL.
Anyways … all rumors

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The source is in Russian and this is the only source that I have found. But it also said that even the Chinese are not sure that this is a 140mm cannon

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the picture is not of the 140mm , this picture gets miss-labeld alot.
now there are still talks there WAS a 140mm varient that was prototyped , but this is not the picture of it.

well yea remember this leak:

and they were experimenting with larger/better guns
remember this:

pretty big but manoeuvring a tank with such massive barrel proves pretty cumbersome in urban areas

Indian Lineup would be nice:

1.) Arjun Mk. 1A

2.) Arjun Mk. 1

3.) T-90 MK-III

4.) T-72M Combat Improved Ajeya MK-II


5.) Zorawar LT

6.) BMP-2(M) Sarath ICV


  • Interim Upgrade, will have dual ATGM, thermals, SA-cameras, etc.

8.) 9K33M2 Osa-AK

9.) HAL Prachand

10.) HAL Tejas Mk. 1


The running gear and tracks are also not t-34

AMX-30EM2, Spain’s finest regarding the AMX-30. It had a better transmission (adopted in the earlier AMX-30ER1), laser rangefinding, digital optics with gen 2 thermals (if I’m correct), and access to a CETME APFSDS round


Mystery tank, appears to be a T-28 judging by the roadwheels, but is covered in additional plating, missing frontal turrets, and appears to have a longer/fake gun.


eh, don’t spoil the fun already

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Is Tejas just a mirage 2000?

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AS-90’s Brazilian connection



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Same same but different

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Jf-17 blk-3 with pl-10 hobs , pl-15 above, pl-12 below
We might also see local aams
images (62)

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Do-217E-5 with a pair of Henschel Hs-293A-1’s mounted on the wings



Its based on the M2K but heavily revised with both domestic Indian engineers from HAL and Dassault engineers helping to revise it into a better multirole aircraft.


It’s not related to the mirage 2k except maybe the fact that they’re both tailless delta winged jets

I think the do217 could mount two fritz X aswell. With the fritz x and hs293 it would make a great plane for naval