Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

It would make the Gepard into a monster as it can also shred the side armor of vehicles. The vehicle would get full belts of it and the BR would skyrocket. I was an avid supporter of getting FAPDS rounds and adding a regular Gepard 1A2 rather than the prototype. I bet you the standard Gepard 1A2 with FAPDS rounds would be a higher BR than the current in-game Gepard 1A2 prototype.

  • Longer Range.
  • Full belts of FAPDS.
  • Highly destructive Projectile that retains some AP capabilities.
  • Can even destroy small targets like missiles with ease.
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A gepard with fapds would be mainly played against tanks though and much less against air. Wouldn’t be that bad because there is already the zsu-57 and praga aswell which are mainly played against tanks only.

It would probably give an easy tank destroyer/ifv for germany.

Same will happen with the skyranger aswell if it ever gets added

I never use it for anti-air anyway, the radar is doo doo.

The RCV implemented with a pole that doesn’t only extend a 5th of the way.


I don’t know why Gaijin doesn’t try to profit off this feature that would undoubtably make people pay GE for it.

it’s said to be a balance, irl this can’t be extended when moving, so gaijin limited it’s length to let it use it when moving.

I’d rather have it retract on the move like Bradly launcher but work properly. It just feels wrong to have such defining feature limited for balancing.

I can’t believe I’m asking this, but here I go:
Can we get some copy-paste tanks max BR 4.7 for Israel? Cause we can’t have the S-199 in a lineup. Israel had some “stolen” Cromwells and Shermans early on. Probably some other things later, but around the same period.

Also, I hope for fully textured cockpits for the other strike aircraft in the game. I just spaded the chinese Mosquito. How come that has a fully textured cockpit? It’s more bombery than other strike aircraft, meaning it has a large 2 person cockpit and another visible compartment in the back. I want fully textured cockpits for the french and italian strike aircraft or light bombers which should be much easier and less time consuming to make since mostly are one man cockpits.

Furthermore, I wish future updates bring more Inter-War and WW2 vehicles (unless copy-paste) instead of modern ones.






From this angle it really looks like cable pole is part of the vehicle.
Do you have any actual imagery?
Simulations or games or whatever the cut is from can easily be mistaken.

The amount of elevated gremlins gaijin could add is numerous

The Danish confirmed the ETS works for the warrior chassis, though no photos of it exist.

I hope the mighty Snail is going to add these anti-air units to the hungarian subtree soon.

+ 40M Nimrod to WW2 era

Nimrod tank kicsi 2

+ Strela-1M to Cold War era

Strela 1M 2 75

+ Mistral ATLAS - Unimog to NATO era

SPAA MMistral Unimog 75


That “cable pole” is the extended optics pole of the RCV. There is plenty of images of the retracted pole on the vehicle, though it wasn’t yet shown to the public in an extended state.



In the render you can clearly see the RCVs optics device on top of said pole.

The cut is from an official render of the CTWV family of vehicles. Here’s the full image

It’s also worth noting the cable poles are white, while the green optics mast is clearly differentiated from the background as part of the vehicle.

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Slightly falls short of a British L27A1
Somewhere between M829 & M829A1 or 3BM42 & 3BM60
Assuming both values are for 2000m

Panzer 4 with a rocket launcher mounted and a mini turret with a mg.



Good enough for 11.X BR

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Referencing this one, again, for the smart.

Even those can make mistake.

Yeah, I was thinking you meant you confused the pole for a cable pole. Sorry

I was mostly using it as example. Gaijin have already stated they know the pole should extend to 8m. It seems this was an intentional decision to limit the height, which I don’t think is fair.

Imagine for example an F-14 that can’t sweep it’s wings fully or an SPAA that can’t elevate its guns fully. Both of those sound wrong, in the same way that it is wrong to intentionally limit the RCVs optics mast.

And even then, they sell it. So it’s in their best interest to make people want it enough to spend their GE.


Im kinda confused why they dont allow its full extension or at least partial. The thing has a 30mm bushmaster and no atgms or nothing, It would allow it to fufill its role as a scout vehicle a little bit better as it wouldnt have to expose itself to the entire enemy to spot them for the team. Also, light tanks at the br get scout drones so what would it be doing that they couldnt already do apart from look cool while doing it.

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