Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

The Chinese ZTQ-15, 105mm rifled gun with auto loader, 1000 hp diesel engine, ERA, fully loaded: 36 tonnes, crew of 3 (commander, gunner, driver)


I believe BTR-82AT (the actual AT that is produced, the BPPU version you mentioned) will be better due to having faster speed, cage armour is optional, would help with speed if you take it off. So it would be more logical to place it higher BR than BTR-22.

This is Obj 167TM on pictures, original Object 167 would look like T-62 with T-72 suspension, the more interesting part being inside, as it would have 115mm gun and autoloader for it, which later would be upgraded for 125mm gun and placed onto T-72 Ural.

IIRC it has 19 rounds autoloader, but I have never got to see it from insides, so that’s another issue.

the interesting part is that that’s 2A42, not 2A72.
Video of it’s fire tests

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Look at the latest post on the website lol

What is the difference between Karkus and Kaktus? Are they the same?

Correct, the American Roland launcher was designed so that it could work as a static emplacment, hence the large base plate. I don’t believe the National Guard ever used it in this way though, as there were already plenty of other static SAM sites with longer range missiles, so utilizing its portability to fit it on trucks was simply a more effective use.

sir , the only BMP-3 dynamic protection complex (EDZ) upgrade IS the Cactus («Kaktus»/«Кактус») , there is no such thing as KARKUS (and KAKTUS i’m asuming you miss-spelled)

I was responding to someone else who referred to the armor as “Karkus” which I had never heard of before. Hence, why I was questioning the difference to see if it was a misspelling.

hmm ok , thair enough then

Does Kaktus have the same effectiveness of K5 on a lighter platform? I only really know of it from the Obj.640.

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“In addition to protection against monoblock shaped charges, the complex successfully protects against B-32 armor-piercing bullets, 23-mm BZT shells and 30-mm armor-piercing shells. The inertness of explosives in 4S24 is chosen in such a way that the blocks do not detonate when hit by BZT bullets, shells up to 30 mm, large-caliber OFS fragments and various incendiary mixtures up to napalm.”

Some skis for me B17 would be cool.


Reminds me of the mig 21 with skis

Bonus for reserching whole era (exept premiums)

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I was shocked lol. Dreams do come true! 🥹

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VCLC, Light Artillery Rocket System 160mm.



  • Armed with a 30mm ZTM-1 autocannon, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, 2x RK-2 ATGM’s, and a KBA-117 30mm grenade launcher, thermals, and LRF; It wouldn’t really have an analog in-game, with the closest being the Freccia.


  • Armed with a 30mm ZTM-2 autocannon, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, 4x Konkurs-M ATGM’s, and a KBA-117 30mm grenade launcher, and LRF; not to mention a good looking dark green w/ white trim, this vehicle would put in work being able to shoot over hills or obstacles with its ready to fire missile loadout and autocannon.


  • Armed with a 30mm ZTM-1 autocannon, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, 2x RK-2 ATGM’s, and a KBA-117 30mm grenade launcher, thermals, and LRF, this vehicle is a unique add, being a different take on the standard BTR-family of vehicles by placing its engine in the front (like the BTR-4A), taking a more western approach.

T-64BM2 ‘Bulat’

  • Armed with a 125mm KBA-3 capable of firing the Kombat GL-ATGM, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and a CT-12.7mm machine gun, thermals, and LRF, this vehicle is the pinnacle of the T-64 family of MBT’s. Featuring a NIZH-1M ERA, and a 1,000hp diesel engine, the T-64BM2 is a close-range brawler.

BM Oplot

  • The ultimate form of armor designed by the Ukrainian defense industry. Armed with a 125mm KBA-3 capable of firing the Kombat GL-ATGM, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, thermals for both the commander and gunner, LWS and soft-kill APS in the form of the Varta, and LRF. The BM Oplot features heavy armor with its Duplet-2M ERA, and high mobility with its supercharged 6TD-2 1,000hp diesel engine paired with a transmission equipped with 7 forward, and 4 reverse gears which equates to 70km/h forward and 35km/h in reverse.



YES! Gib me big chonker

British Amphibious Tank A/T 1




Seriously thuogh, it looks like a duck to me

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