Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

You too

why would I, I dont ask for these vechicles

so go ahead.I don’t ask your opinion

Genesis IFV is really ugly.It almost looks like as if someone strapped bunch of sheet metal on a truck

Indian MiG-21 Bison for either Soviets or the United Kingdom

MiG-31 for the Russians

Persian Safir-74 for the Soviets, US or UK tech trees (mainly the Soviets)



an early soviet MiG-31 would fit after my MiG-25PD

it’s about just as manouverable and just as fast but it’s got usable weapons

I mean the MiG-31BSM (late variant) for a future addition, and hopefully it isn’t like the Tornado (most likely case though).

The multirole capability will be a warm welcome though and the fast in-and-out capability would also fit neatly into lineups (ground realistic).

the real deal is a flying brick tho

it’s an interceptor just like the Tornado F.3

It would at least be faster than the Tornado in-game but I doubt by much at sea level, and on top of that it would have dedicated air and ground ordinances which the Tornado lacks (Tornado IDS is mainly for ground and Tornado ADV for air).

Main issue is what would it be fighting and with a higher battle rating than the average ground vehicle how would this affect usage.

Yeah…i dont think Russia needs our Pandurs in TT.

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Seeing how Czechs are being used as a filler nation it’s possible.

I hope fucking not. Russia not only doesnt need sub-tt but they can add vehicles that were made by them and not by another country.


Actually the Soviets can get the MiG-21-93 which in turn lead to the MiG-21 Bison and the UK can get the bison

Although I still think it would be weird to give the UK a MiG-21 but I am not apposed to the idea and it would make for an interesting vehicle.

That’s not how additions are considered.
It could end up being another Italy situation where their vehicles were hidden from the German tree once an actual tree was being added.

This doesn’t need to be an argument. This is just a wishlist thread.

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Yeah. I know. I dont want to argue. Sometimes its just makes me angy seeing that Czechoslovakia should be a sub-tt for russia.

That is why im for mix of Czechoslovakia and Poland TT to be added into the game.

Yeah I was literally thinking about that no joke, the Soviets getting the MiG-21-93 and British getting the MiG-21 Bison would be best of two worlds.

Love the idea honestly and would make the British Air TT less dry whilst not making the Russian mains frustrated

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Modernizations of older Soviet aircraft would be quite interesting to see like the MiG-23-98, they’d make for great premiums imo


I mean Britain is getting the Indian T-90 so this could fit in their Heli tree, we already have that other African Heli(cant think of the name for the life of me). isn’t the SuperHind also a westernized one?
