Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

You say that yet their air tree is a mess lmao. In all seriousness though navel is very weird, some nations do really good for coastal then others are at higher or similar BR’s as nations with much better tech its not a french problem its a compression problem.

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They love their ground at 10.0+ but air is a different story. Also dont forget that they have yet to fix the strv 103’s, no hull aim fix, no separate engine fix, no gun depression fix for the A and C model. The cv9030 (its dead lol) then air from 6.7 and up is a cesspool until gripen C lol.

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Rare Centauro II variant equipped with the Leonardo 105/52 cannon
105 gun helps in 750kg weight reduction.
This new 105mm gun is capable of firing future higher-pressure rounds.


Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) F-16AM Block 15 MLU M5

AN/AAQ-28(V)6 Litening AT Block 2 advanced targeting pod

T-80 with Burlak turret


Swedish navy you say? I hope the Visby class drops on release, its my favorite destroyer class.

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Good addition

T-80BV-RM ‘Object 219M’ to be exact
here is the same tank without the Burlack turret





yes, yes
Base Object 219M is such a cool variant

MUSS 2.0 is also able to jam IR guided ATGMs like Javelin and Spike (as long as it stays LOBL only).
Laser based IR jamming is kinda similiar to DIRCM that is used from planes.
Sadly I only have a german source for that:

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Would like to see proper tests of MUSS 2.0 against IIR seekers such as Javelin. There are conflicting reports on the effectiveness of laser DIRCM against IIR seekers.

I would guess that they have indeed tried it out and that’s why it’s in the article, but I don’t think they will publish the test videos because it’s all top secret for sure.

I had also found statements on Twitter from (alleged) experts who claimed that MUSS 1.0 would have been able to jam laser beam riding missiles, provided you have the right information about which type of missile is attacking, as the IR beam supposedly overlaps the laser beam. But to be honest, I didn’t quite understand how that would work.
But even with the system, there are almost no publicly available sources that provide information about what the system is really capable of, even though it is already over 10 years old. I think it will be even more difficult to find precise information on the new one.
But basically, it should be possible to blind an IR ATGM with an IR laser. They will have internal countermeasures in the newer missiles, but there will surely be a back door that can be used to override this. Otherwise, there would simply be no point in using this jammer. One would hardly accept the larger silhouette just to be able to jam a missile type that is no longer used by the main adversary, Russia.
And I had also found a German article from the developer Hensoldt from a few years ago about the development of MUSS 2.0, in which they explicitly said that they were working on dazzle techniques to improve the jammer

Mi-1MU as the new Soviet starter helicopter. Armed with 12x 132mm rockets, 4x 3M11 Fleyta or 6x 9M14 Malyutka. Unlike on the Mi-8s these would be the original MCLOS and lower-pen versions of the missiles. Would be fitting for the original Soviet helicopter’s armed version to be the start of the heli tree.




im kind of hoping a GR9 would come as its on the same level as the AV-8B + allowing the use for cas while utilizing the FOX-3’s.

maybe some south african SAM system as a filler for the 9.3-9.7 area for britian as well as it needs one. or even the lav-ad platform with only SAM’s as britian used a few

no British Harrier 2s operated with a radar, thus no AMRAAM capability. Could come in with ASRAAMs ig?

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maybe i read it wrong tbh since there isnt much public info on the gr9. and maybe

British Aerospace Harrier II unlike McDonnell Douglas Harrier II, no radar guided Air-to-Air and no AMRAAM capability

But precision-guided munition and targeting pod better AV-8B Harrier II Plus from italy tech tree

Harrier GR.9A great targeting pod and great precision-guided munition

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okay okay, like i said before. i couldn’t find much and went off basic stuff others have said. i apricate the more accurate information

Biggest thing It’ll bring is a boat load of brimstone and HMS iirc (apart from ASRAAM that is). I do hope they add the 9A, I want that extra thrust

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South African Crotale can be a good option. Since it doesnt have its own search radar it can easily stay at 9.7