Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

And wing fuel tanks for phantoms too, I want more fuel but I also want my gunpod.

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Hope France will get Light Tank or IFV



from the size they look like they switched turrets


Ok, now that Rank VI battleships are here. I know we can expect her at any time now.

Please don’t delay too long Gaijin I’m losing my mind waiting for her. Nagato and the F-106 are the only two vehicles I still play the game to get, when they eventually show up.


1: M3A1 Scout car
2: M3A1E3 with 37mm gun
3: Cadillac gage commando\M706 series ( 90mm\20-30mm autocanon and with turret from scorpion (76mm))
4:F3D-2M 😍

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The F3D-2M is long overdue as well. A Skyknight with missiles would be amazing.


2 sparrow and 2 2000ibs it’s 😈🔥
But I need B-45 Tornado too

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(SA-8 OSA) for Germany DDR



F-15A / C Baz


Spyder (stand-alone system?)

Shrike, Standard (air-launch), HARM


E-2 Hawkeye



MM38 (launched from a ship) and AM39 (launched from a plane) Exocet missiles, it’s surprising how they’re still not in the game.

Once the game has a working AEW&C, why not? But that would need much bigger maps to be actually useful and not get shot down in an instant.

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This is needed, Israel still doesn’t have any top tier BVR at all.

The E-2s were quite good at radar jamming during the 1982 Lebanon war. IAF E-2s made the Syrian MiGs’ radars almost useless. So long as the E-2s have BR period-accurate ECM / EW (and competent escorts), opposing missiles shouldn’t be an issue.

For jamming, I’d also add to the list the EF-111 Raven.

I once read that, during the 1991 Gulf War, no strike sortie escorted by a Raven was locked by hostile radar.

And the Gabriel missile (sea and air launched) is another late addition to my list…



Adding to my annoyance at the F-15s’ absence; Israel received its first F-16A Netz in 1980, and its first batch of F-15Cs and F-15Ds in 1981.* The F-16C (and D?) arrived in Israel in 1987 / 1988. Timeline-wise, the F-15s are a more justifiable addition to the Israeli tech tree.

*Israel’s first F-15As arrived on a Shabbat in 1976, and caused the Israeli government to collapse (disgruntled religious parties). The F-15’s first ‘victory’ was a case of friendly-fire.

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Well now that the F-16C and MiG-29SMT are gonna be 12.3 maybe there’s a chance for the F-15 soon.

We live in hope.

Su-27 was privately owned, de-millitarized, and leased for a short period of time as an aggressor plane.

So kino, really needs to be added.

How much would one cost? 10 million dollar?

The last listing for it is so far expired they don’t even show what it was originally listed for. If Paul Allen’s Estate documents/Auction is still available, you can see what his MiG-29 sold for, that would at least get you in the ball park of what a civilian converted supersonic Soviet fighter might cost you. I’d argue the price is even higher now given current relations with Russia.