Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

How recent is that image?

~a day

It was literally made for the bundeswehr by Krauss-Maffei and Diehl.

That would suck, thats why I think the DF-105 should be added to France as well.

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Its beautiful.



It was made for export and nobody take it.

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I thought the B2 was too expensive and the project scrapped due to cost, with the cheaper B3 being chosen instead. I can’t see it being worse surely?

Are we talking about the same vehicle? I’m talking about the ACV Puma?

It is worse for WT, IRL crew had more comfort controlling the vehicle for sure, driver had his thermal, commander’s sight was better than T-72B3’,s, etc.
Though still, mass, speed, turret rotation were worse, as I dont remember stabiliser being switched out.

Is the ERA array more substantial? I thought it was.

I haven’t seen any sources for the turret mechanisms though.

Maybe a good side grade to the B3, or one BR step below.

B2 Rogatka have Relikt instead Kontakt5

Anyone know the name of the gun used in this sherman?


Sure about that? D56t sherman looks like this

probably a fake gun? I don’t see any detail of a real gun, it’s badly made.

there are a sherman with d56t, but this


Nop lol

This could be a interesting premium tank for UK

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From what i could find, the museum might have just slapped on their own barrel to it and i’m not entirely sure if they made one or just took an existing one

Thanks. Also this is a captured tank. I think it probably had a broken barrel and the museum just added this new muzzle break to fix the damage

I wander if it’s stablized

Yeah, seems likely
Doubt the barrel is really attatched to anything that would make it function, hence why it’s just aiming towards the ground and the plate around it doesn’t really look like metal