Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Isn’t FA-18 supposed to replace their Tornado fleet?

I want to see the A-10C with AIM-9M’s, and the Pakistani JF-17.

FC-1 is already in one of the leaklist

F-18 was only considered, but was rejected in favor of the F-35. TLDR is that Germany would’ve had to pay for the nuclear certification on the F-18, then allowing the US to use the F-18s for nuclear use as well

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I don’t trust the leak lists anymore since 99% of them are wrong


Only accurate ones were from Olivia, but she’s been missing for quite a while.


Olivia become moderator so cannot leak anymore

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Olivia didn’t release anything this early from what I remember, it was always closer to the patch.

I hope the Su-24M is real though!!

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All the Rank 7 aircraft premiums were pretty early I think.

The Su-24 is a cool aircraft, the soviet Tornado really

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Increased RP gain for coastal vessels.

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so has nobody Wished for the Alpha jets yet?

I’ll go then, I want it especially for Germany as 8.7-9.3 following the G.91 R/3 because the German Alpha jets carried only their BK27 gunpod and Unguided rockets or Bombs +fuel tanks

here some pictures


Do you have evidence of countermeasures?
I’d like to know if it has them or not.

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I have not found evidence of CMs in service on german Alpha Jets

other Alphajets like the french non-trainer version used them after various national update programs

but the german program was cancelled following the german reunion, it would’ve introduced AiM-9 launch rails, CMs, new Avionics (those 3 all being tested on a prototype) and it was proposed to allow the use of AGM 65 but wether that was implemented on the testbed prototype is unknown

but that was after all just a prototype and I don’t see why it should go in game like that

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Yeah, just add the camo to the normal tech tree Su-25T and call it a day no need to add a whole new vehicle for it.

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I mean the SWISS Hunter was going into the German or French tree given that those are the two biggest cultural and geographic ties to Switzerland, I really don’t understand why anyone thinks it should have been in the British tree at all

I mean just playing hypothetically here, imagine for a second there is more than 1 Swiss vehicle in the game, do you think that they should all be in the same tech tree so you can run full lineups of Swiss vehicles or do you think each vehicle should got to it’s country of origin?


Canadian vehicles aren’t only on the British tree, neither Australian vehicles. The Australian Abrams is on the US tech tree because it’s an Abrams, Mexas is in the German tech tree because it’s a leopard, Class 3P is in the German tech tree because a German manufacturer helped designing it. Wouldn’t the Swiss hunter make more sense to be added to the UK because it’s a Hunter?

I mean why though? Do the US really need another Abrams, do the Germans really need another Leopard?

It makes a lot more sense for these vehicles to go into the tech tree that best represents the user nation, I get that UK mains are upset about the best version of the Hunter being in another tree but that isn’t unique to them, the best F-104 is Italian, the best A-4 is Israeli.

You can make the argument that Canada and Australia post WWII is closer to the US than UK, just like post WWII Poland is closer to Germany or USSR than Britain where their government was in exile during the war.

Still when adding vehicles for nations without their own tree or sub-tree i feel that cohesion is the most important thing, lets say the CV9030 is added for Switzerland with it’s BR of 9.3, you could reasonably run a lineup in ground battles of the Hunter F.58 and Swiss CV9030 but only if they are in the same tech tree, not if they are split up between Britain and Sweden.

Gaijin are pretty inconsistent with where they put these types of vehicle but I feel like with the Hunter F.58 they actually got it right.

Because they have their own tech tree, if they were event or squadron they would probably go to the US, all the Merkavas were going there too. There’s no Swiss sub-tree, or a slight mention of it being an option.

Idk tbh, with the T-90S coming I just don’t know anymore. (I’m against it)

But this is off-topic so… Better stop