Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Not sure. Might just be for a different display off-screen. I couldn’t find any documents or sources saying it could use them. There also isn’t much space for it on the hardpoints.

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PZL TS-11 Iskra
tree: Russian, nationality: Polish
BR 6.3
Armament 1x 23mm cannon and s-5 pylons

This will be something like strikemaster for ussr

No, nyet, nein


Well russians doesnt have their version of tier IV jet like UK and US so why not?

Probably because Russia has more than enough of their own vehicles, and even after that more than enough countries that make more sense to share a tree with them before we start angering the Polish like this.

Also (for a quick edit), most nations don’t, we’ll get there when we get there.


I think that gaijin doesn’t care if they anger anyone, some czechs were pissed too when they saw praga in ussr tree
Edit: Poland was in warzsaw pact when this plane had its first flight, ofc we can wait like 10 years to gaijin even consider pitting polish tt in the game

Because the Yak-15s might as well be their rank IV jets.
This is an artificial gap and doesn’t need filling, especially not with products from outside of the USSR.


If you want a strike master style aircraft just give them the A-37 Vietnam handed them.

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Soviet Air Force used the L-29 Delfín, so that is an option

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Eastern germany used them too, so germany can also have it

North or south vietnam?

delete the soviet tt

I believe the North.

Well that is czech aircraft, but yeah i got you. But in reality i think that russia doesnt need tier 4 jet plane, i was suggesting idea of polish plane because russia doesnt have its own similar aircraft

Sorry for late reply but
I think as of the term air, he is inferring to the 5-ton heavy balloons that is called the WARKIT.

Tree: Russia
Nation: Czechia
BR: 7.3



IDK if Russia is a good idea but this is a good vehicle.

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Only for independent Czechoslovak and Polish trees (Poland also operates them)