Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

So this thing just needs actual missiles?

Like any and all Czechoslovakian (Czechian and Slovakian) vehicles


So, the wiring was there. It got rear antenne of the Tornado F3 RWR mounted in its tail, not sure about front ones. There were plans to mount Foxhunter in it. Nothing about the gun but it shoudl fit in place of the sensors behind the cockpit

Lets crowd fund for a sidewinder

how much does a AIM-9L cost? 200-300k dollars?

Something like that

We just need 50k dollars for one AIM-9L. Should be doable if every one donates at least one dollar.

Private projects will not be added to the game ~ snail

damn it. I had hopes for this

He let himself in … for he’s the one and only Kim Jong Un!
yea, he took the new tanks for a test drive for propaganda shoot



Thats photoshop

It’s a shame it’s a photoshop πŸ₯Ί

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Agree with the Israeli T-54M3 prototype. Should be an event or squadron for Israel (or maybe BP?)

Since SA vehicles are planned for Japan, then the series produced Viet T-54M3 can got there but … what about the T-90S, then? Japan makes more sense than France here but will the Ru mains accept a T-90 going to another nation? Its the Swedish T 80 U dilemma again.
France instead can get the GIAT T59, since it was a GIAT/Nexter project.

Laotian White Eagles? eh … dunno, again Japan with SA kinda makes sense? Do we really want to see a T-72 in French tree as well?
Choosing Japan for both options, coz Japan has very few vehicles left to be added, whereas France still has lots of potential.

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M38 Wolfhound - American EBR
br 4.0



M109 MAXI PIP - the maxi PP

BR 7.7

Was never built … only wooden mockups

The M109A6 was instead armed with the 155mm L/54 caliber XM297E2 cannon from the XM2001 Crusader for testing.

There was also the M109A6+ International Howitzer upgraded with M284 L/52 155mm cannon, a semi-automatic rammer, AFCS and upgraded suspension.

There was also the M109A2 HFHTB ( Human Factors Howitzer Test Bed ).
Features 750hp GT601 gas turbine, an automated projectile loader, 25mm AMG RWS, HFCC computer, a STAGET stabilized gun sight for the direct engagement.


Still think our DITA looks the best


Belgrade :D