Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Hey I got a bit of Israel as well, It’s my most enjoyable nation.

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I mean people leak classified documents on forums so what did you expect lel.

Understandable, that can be a fun nation.

To be honest, I hope not. Feels like the easy way out of balancing the game just to give Britain soviet stuff via an Indian sub tree. Would rather see stuff from Canada or Australia. Like CF-18 when the F-18 gets added,

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Vehicles like the Indian Jaguar IM deserve a spot in the British Tech Tree though, in the future there wont be a need for foreign Aircrafts especially when the Eurofighter gets added.

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I was debating on finishing out my British tech tree, those would make great additions imo.

Except there’s not much Soviet stuff in India.
Most of it is Indian equipment.
Su-30MKI is an Indian developed & produced aircraft for example.
Russia had no involvement, and in-fact, Russia had Sukhoi make a Russian version of the Su-30MKI for themselves called the Su-30SM.

Ground isnt worth it currently. not until they finish the Chally 2. But air might have some interesting stuff. SHar FA2 has the Blue Vixen Radar which should completely outclass the competition. Basically un-notchable. Combine with Aim-9M and AMRAAM it should be good (providing no nerfs). As it sub-sonic and has a limited number of hard points, it comes with Britain tax pre-paid

I still personally dont think The britain TT is the right place for them. I personally think the SA stuff was a bit of a mistake. For much the same reason that Taiwan stuff shouldnt be in teh china tree or that Ukrainian/warsaw pact nation vehicles shouldn’t be in the soviet tree.

Yeah the British Challenger 2s are all copy and paste besides the Black Night which offers something on the table (the very good APS). I remember fighting a Black Night in my T-90A then it magically destroying my 3BM60 with it’s APS.

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Would it be any different to the 2 we’ve already got or the GR3A that I hope we see in the near future though? Might be better on another tree that doesnt already have Jaguar or can’t get them, like the soviet tree for example

If Britain gets better Aircraft in the future I wouldn’t mind the Indian Jaguar going to the Americans or Soviets, I only care about nations or Aircraft performing good.

An example is the Hawk 200

Yeah, Im surprised we got Tornado before Gr3A. So that does kinda defeat any hope of that for me, at least not in the near ish future. But would be a great addition if/when it comes.

You know what I wanna see? I wanna see a Nimrod dogfighting a B-21 with AIM-9Ls. 😂


Hehe, I do hope Air-to-air Refueling is a think in the future. and I kinda want AWACS or Sub-hunters like the Nimrod added as objectives in ASB. Kinda like the recon plane objective but it flies over friendly territory and not enemy territory

Yeah AWACS would be sick for simulator, and maybe datalink in the future for more modern Aircraft.

Currently Air Simulator in War Thunder is kinda bland and having something like DCS with actual missions and objectives would be very cool.

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YEah, agreed. issue is, EC1 and EC9 are basically carbon copies, just different Ai vehicles used. I want them to break the different eras up with different objectives appropriate for that era.

So like EC1-5 maybe you’d get trains that need strafing (WW2 stuff)

im not sure about EC6-7 (Korean / Veitnam war stuff maybe)

but for EC8-9+ prehaps stuff inspired by Iraq or the middle east conflicts, like locating and taking out a HVT. Basically a jeep driving around enemy territory, but unmarked on the map, only grid coordinate given. So you have to find the target and then destroy it. I’d also like to see more need for things like GBUs, like adding specific building that need to be destroyed in Urban areas.

These are great suggestions, but some of the simplest things Gaijin can do to help Sim and also Air RB - increase base numbers and randomise their locations more.
I know this is already a feature in Sim, sort of, but it needs to be expanded, and it needs to be way stronger in Air RB.

There is no point of adding larger maps for players due to their furball complaints when you place all of the strike targets & bombing bases in a middle point between the airfields, and just create another furball (RB).

For Sim, Gaijin can certainly add passive radar stations which pick up enemy aircraft in their vicinity and mark them for a short time on your map - similar to how you already have to “detect” targets and stay within their AO to have them remain seen.
(Ships aren’t automatically marked on the map, all the time, from what I remember).

Then these could possibly become targets for GBUs just like those urban buildings, or stand off ARMs in the future.

Gaijin can do so much, and yet they choose not to.
I seriously doubt it is beyond their capabilities to do anything of the sort above, or suggestions far better than mine.

It’s just a shame

(Seriously, the AS.34 Kormoran Anti Shipping Missile was added 7 months ago, and we still don’t have a fix for it, or any counterparts in other nations)


Stryker M-SHORAD


For US 10.7-11.0 SPAA, its a stryker but the gun is replaced with a stinger battery and 2x AGM-114 Hellfire Ls (fnf radar guided hellfires)

CIWS Truck


“Oh look! A civilian airliner!”

LAV Variants


LAV-25 (LAV but with the bradley’s gun)
LAV-AT (LAV but with M901’s TOW turret)

LAV-M (LAV but with a mortar launcher in the back)

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Israeli something (other than a Magach). ALL of this would spice up the Israel tree and make it more useful as well as really dive into the history of Israeli vehicle development/ingenuity:

  • Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet LIC MBT
    • The actual Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet, a revolutionary and latest version of the 3-series is locked in the USA tree so I hope we can at least get this.

  • Namer HIFV

  • Eitan 8x8 IFV

  • Eitan 8x8 FSV

  • Sabrah LT

  • Giraf Tank Destroyer

  • Hafiz Tank Destroyer

  • Pereh Tank Destroyer

  • Soltam Sholef V2 SPH

  • M113 Zelda HVMS LT

  • Spyder AIO SPAA


  • Tiran 6 MBT

  • Tiran 5Sh MBT

  • Bardam Snai Tank Destroyer

  • M-50 Sherman MBT

  • M10 (SA50) Tank Destroyer

  • BTR-152 TCM-20 SPAAG




  • Vayzata/Toga Armor Package

Disclaimer: If some of these vehicles such as the Eitan IFV/FSV, Sabrah, or Namer were to become event vehicles it would take significant growth away from the tree. Highly recommend that Gaijin does NOT do this.